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Results 24481-24490 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
36 13 49. to the bra. by Hickm’s spring 43.2 to the 1 st honey locust. 64.62 to
I have at length recieved an offer for your lands, which tho not coming entirely up to your terms, is so nearly so as to make it my duty to communicate it for your consideration. it is from mr Higginbotham , who had applied to yourself by letter with a very different proposition. he is a merchant of Milton , who in the course of many years of snug & safe business has made a handsome provision...
I arrived here a few days ago—and am informed that you understanding that my brother , who was then up the Country—was myself had written to me—when I should be at Court—that I would prove a deed which I was witness to— your note to me was mislaid before my arrival— Consequently I do not Know what Deed you allude to—haveing no recollection of the Circumstance—Thinking it probable it might be a...
A War between the United States and Great-Britain, and a War between France and Russia, having commenced on the same Week in the month of June last, have concurred almost entirely to annihilate, the few and precarious opportunities of Communication with you, which I had previously possessed— Our War has banished our flag from the Baltic, and stopped the channel of conveyance though England of...
I set out today, but being forc’d thro Caroline by some private concerns with the family of my late sister, shall not be able to reach Washington till the last of the week. I shall hurry on as fast as possible. The enclosed from Mr Crawford, it is proper that you should see. In its relation to two gentlemen, of real virtue (in my judgment) however they may stand with the public, or fit they...
Thou may’st deem it wonderful that I, professionally a quaker, should write to thee on the subject of war, a thing so obstinately opposed by the mass of my brethren. Quakers are but men, and subject as other men to frailties; and holy writ is so translated that it admits of numberless constructions. Therefore he who interprets scripture most to the glory of the Omnipotent and the General...
29 September 1812, New York. Informs JM that Armstrong has appointed Evert A. Bancker to the office of judge advocate. Praises Bancker and requests confirmation of his appointment. RC ( DNA : RG 107, LRRS , W-331:6). 1 p.; docketed as received in the War Department on 5 Oct. 1812. Marinus Willett (1740–1830), Revolutionary War veteran and former sheriff of New York City and County, served as...
Since I wrote you last, which was on the 23d: of June, we have received your letter to your mother, dated 2. March, in which you express the wish that we should come home: that you might have the pleasure of knowing, and loving, and paying every attention of an affectionate brother to your little Sister—These were good and laudable wishes, but it has pleased God, to determine that they should...
Your friendly note of this day is not unexpected. I am ready to meet my antagonist, on my own element. But as a brave General is always magnanimous, in the hour of victory, I will cheerfully display the heroism, which this occasion demands. Mr Lemuel Hall, who has after, suit brought paid to my Attorney, four or five Dollars more than he was under a necessity of paying, by reason of Costs &ca:...
Yours of the 22d. came to hand yesterday. We regret extremely the indisposition which disappointed our expectation of seeing you on the arrival of the last stage. In such good hands as Dr. Everard’s you will soon be restored. Don’t risk a relapse by entering on the journey prematurely. We sha⟨ll⟩ look for your return with confidence as soon as your health will justify, but with the patience...