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Results 24481-24510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
36 13 49. to the bra. by Hickm’s spring 43.2 to the 1 st honey locust. 64.62 to
I have at length recieved an offer for your lands, which tho not coming entirely up to your...
I arrived here a few days ago—and am informed that you understanding that my brother , who was...
A War between the United States and Great-Britain, and a War between France and Russia, having...
I set out today, but being forc’d thro Caroline by some private concerns with the family of my...
Thou may’st deem it wonderful that I, professionally a quaker, should write to thee on the...
29 September 1812, New York. Informs JM that Armstrong has appointed Evert A. Bancker to the...
Since I wrote you last, which was on the 23d: of June, we have received your letter to your...
Your friendly note of this day is not unexpected. I am ready to meet my antagonist, on my own...
Yours of the 22d. came to hand yesterday. We regret extremely the indisposition which...
As it is possible my letters of July 22d & of August 22d may not have reached your Excellency, I...
The undersigned chiefs and Warriors of the Oneida, Onondaga, Stockbridge Tuscarora and Seneca...
I wrote a few days ago to your Grandmama, and desired her to inform you, and your brother John,...
27 September 1812, North Salem, Westchester County, New York. Expresses his opinion that...
I am requested to introduce to you the bearer mr Henry L. Duffie of whom however I have no...
È molto tempo che ricevei la gratissima sua dei 9 Luglio, 1811 ; ma le disgraziate circostanze...
He published—his opinions on Jus Eccles. Protest . in the Ses—which were—under his...
Your letter of Aug. 11. has excited serious reflections in several eminent men to whom I have...
By this days Mail you will receive the Unanimous Address of both branches of the Legislature of...
Letter not found. 26 September 1812, Philadelphia. Offered for sale in the American Art...
The letters to be answered under address to Mr Levi Canning &c. has [ sic ] been recd. The...
Having never had the honour of any personal acquaintance with you I may commit an indiscretion,...
Your favour of the 19th. which I duly recd is before me. I am rejoiced that you, who have so much...
Believing that a respectful address to the President of the United States on a Subject which so...
Herewith you will receive a small box containing 3 Roots Antholiza æthiopica, a Green House bulb,...
I have rec d . your Letter of the 17 th . Inst — The Details in it are interesting, and I am glad...
Still without authentic information from Abroad. The Halifax papers expect Adml. Warren with a...
The writer of this did not intend to follow up the late communication with any other, until he...
I take the Liberty of soliciting your patronage for my Son John Y. Lansing who is a Surgeon in...
I have just received yours of the 21st. Smiths pretention is entirely unfounded. A major genl. in...