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Results 24481-24490 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society These two undated notes, we believe, were written in the order in which we print them, and between hers of April 14 from Ville-d’Avray, near Sèvres, where she was no doubt visiting a friend, and that below of September 1 from her home in Auxerre. These two can be assigned with some confidence to a single month, August. The first note refers to a battle...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me suis engagé la derniere fois que J’ai eu l’honneur de vous voir, a vous communiquer quelques details sur le coup de foudre dont a ete frappée la salle d’assemblée de Purfleet; mais je n’ai pu le faire plutot parceque le dessein necessaire pour entendre le rapport etoit chez le graveur. Je vous envoye Monsieur la premiere epreuve avec les circonstances...
I have received your three several favours of this day —I have spoken to the Commissary & forage master, who have promised to take the proper measures for furnishing you with supplies in their respective departments. You will be pleased to send all Capt. Lee’s troop that remain behind with the regimt to join the detachment now with him and you will also return immediately to him, whatever men...
The Fleet is in Delaware Bay. 228 of them were seen, in the Offing, from Cape Henlopen, the day before yesterday. They come in but slowly. G eneral Washington, and the light Horse came into Town last Night. His Army will be in, this day—that is the two or three first Divisions of it—Greens, Sterlings and Stevensons Stephen’s . The rest is following on, as fast as possible. General Nash with...
Chester [ Pennsylvania ] August 1, 1777. Orders Greene to hold men in readiness to march and to give the necessary orders to quartermaster general and commissary general respecting provisions and forage. States that British fleet has departed from the Delaware. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Although H’s crossed-out signature can be seen on the draft, this...
Chester [ Pennsylvania ] August 1, 1777. Warns of probable attack on Highlands. Discusses orders given to Major General John Sullivan and Governor George Clinton to aid Putnam. Instructs Putnam to ask aid of Governor Jonathan Trumbull. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yours of the 25th. July Came safe to hand. As to French Seaman who are Now in Goal, they do not Deserve Pitty as they were sent out of the Way preveous to the Officers Comeing on board to look for them and they went the Next day and delivered themselves up to the Judge of the Admiralty who put them all in Prison. I am very glad to find you approve of my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En arrivant de la Campagne je trouve la lettre et le paquet ci joints, que j’ai ouvert très innocemment l’enveloppe etant à mon adresse, et n’y ayant rien qui m’indiquât que les lettres n’êtaient pas pour moi. J’avais offert à Mr. Pennet lorsqu’il passa en france, dans le tems où je jouissais de la confiance du Gouvernement, de se servir de mon adresse pour...
AD : American Philosophical Society Nous soussignés en vertu de nos pouvoirs donnons ordre et pouvoir á Mr. [ blank in MS ] de nous procurer au mioeux possible et le plus promptement que faire se pourra quatre flutes de Guerre Comme Celle qui se construit en hollande. Nous nous engageons en Consequence de fournir les fonds et les avances necessaires à sa requisition; nous en rapportant á tout...
We have not recieved any certain intelligence that the Fleet have got within the Capes. By the last accounts they were beating in, the Wind unfavorable; It was supposed they would get in about three OClock yesterday Evening. I would wish you to collect and bring up your rear, as soon as may be, to German Town or to proper Grounds contiguous to it where the Troops are to remain untill further...