James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Elias Vanderhorst, 12 September 1803

From Elias Vanderhorst, 12 September 1803


Bristol Sepr. 12th. 180⟨3⟩


Since my last respects to you of the 28th. Ju⟨ly⟩ & 5th. Ulto, Pr. the Ship Black River, Captn. G⟨i⟩llop, via New York, I have not been honored with any of yo⟨ur⟩ Favors. The cheif Object of the present is to enclose you the last State of the Bristol Infirma⟨ry⟩ made up to the end of the Year 1802, ’though but [. . .] published. I also enclose you some of our late News Papers & the last London Price Current, to wh⟨ich⟩ I beg leave to refer for what is now passing in this Quarter. The Harvest in this Country is nea⟨rly⟩ closed, and is not only abundant, but of excellent Quality, as the weather for gathering it has been uncommonly fine, the Season for near three Mon⟨ths⟩ past having been very dry, insomuch that our Par⟨ks⟩ & Gardens have suffered very considerably, and are now suffering still more daily. I have the Honor to be &c &c

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