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Results 24471-24520 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
24471 Washington, George Gates, Horatio From George Washington to Major General Horatio Gates … 1777-07-31 Your letter of this morning is just come to hand. I have immediately, in consequence of the...
24472 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 31 July 1777 1777-07-31 An Express this Moment arrived with a Letter from Genl Rodney a Copy of which I enclose agreeably...
24473 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 31 July 1777 1777-07-31 I am this Moment Honor’d with yours of 5 OClock this morning, & have accordingly sett the Army in...
24474 Washington, George Putnam, Israel From George Washington to Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-07-31 I have just rec’d information from Philaa that the Enemy’s Fleet arrived at the Capes of Delaware...
24475 Putnam, Israel Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-07-31 I received your favour of the 28th Inst. and have according to your direction ordered two...
24476 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan … 1777-07-31 I am this moment advised by Express that the Enemy’s Fleet is arrived at Delaware; I request that...
24477 Washington, George Trumbull, Jonathan Sr. From George Washington to Jonathan Trumbull, Sr., 31 … 1777-07-31 I was just now honored with your Letter of the 25th inst. The evacuation of Ticonderoga and Mount...
24478 Chaumont, Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jacques-Donatien Le Ray de … 1777-08-01 AL : American Philosophical Society Je prie M. franklin d’avertir M. andrew Patton de se Rendre a...
24479 Franklin, Benjamin A Catechism Relative to the English National Debt … 1777-08-01 Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
24480 American Commissioners Washington, George The American Commissioners to George Washington … 1777-08-01 AL (draft ): Library of Congress The Marquis de la Fayette, a young Nobleman of great...
24481 Conway, Françoise-Antoinette-Jeanne Langlois du … Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from the Comtesse Conway: Two … 1777-08-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society These two undated notes, we believe, were written in the...
24482 Lebègue de Presle, Achille-Guillaume Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Lebègue de Presle, [August … 1777-08-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me suis engagé la derniere fois que J’ai eu l’honneur de...
24483 Washington, George Bland, Theodorick From George Washington to Colonel Theodorick Bland … 1777-08-01 I have received your three several favours of this day —I have spoken to the Commissary & forage...
24484 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 1 August 1777 1777-08-01 The Fleet is in Delaware Bay. 228 of them were seen, in the Offing, from Cape Henlopen, the day...
24485 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael George Washington to Major General Nathanael Greene, 1 … 1777-08-01 Chester [ Pennsylvania ] August 1, 1777. Orders Greene to hold men in readiness to march and to...
24486 Washington, George Putnam, Israel George Washington to Major General Israel Putnam, 1 … 1777-08-01 Chester [ Pennsylvania ] August 1, 1777. Warns of probable attack on Highlands. Discusses orders...
24487 Wickes, Lambert American Commissioners Lambert Wickes to the American Commissioners, 1 August … 1777-08-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society Yours of the 25th. July Came safe to hand. As to French...
24488 Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre-Samuel Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Pierre-Samuel Du Pont de … 1777-08-01 ALS : American Philosophical Society En arrivant de la Campagne je trouve la lettre et le paquet...
24489 Grand, Rodolphe-Ferdinand American Commissioners [Ferdinand Grand]: Draft Contract for the American … 1777-08-01 AD : American Philosophical Society Nous soussignés en vertu de nos pouvoirs donnons ordre et...
24490 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael From George Washington to Major General Nathanael … 1777-08-01 We have not recieved any certain intelligence that the Fleet have got within the Capes. By the...
24491 Allen, Heman Washington, George To George Washington from Captain Heman Allen, 1 August … 1777-08-01 Salisbury, Conn., 1 Aug. 1777 . “Suffer me to inclose Copies of several Letters, directed to me...
24492 Washington, George Clinton, George From George Washington to George Clinton, 1 August 1777 1777-08-01 I had proceeded thus far in order to look out for a proper place to arrange the Army when I recd...
24493 Washington, George Commanding Officer on March from Peekskill, N.Y. To the Commanding Officer on March from Peekskill … 1777-08-01 I have this Moment recd information that the Enemy’s Fleet have left the Capes of Delaware and...
24494 Washington, George Dayton, Elias From George Washington to Colonel Elias Dayton, 1 … 1777-08-01 Having recd information that the Fleet have left the Capes of Delaware and steered Eastward, you...
24495 Erskine, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Erskine, 1 August 1777 1777-08-01 Your favour of the 28th Ult: concerning the Office of Geographer, I had the honour to receive...
24496 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael From George Washington to Major General Nathanael … 1777-08-01 I have just received information by express that the enemys fleet have disappeared from the Capes...
24497 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 1 August 1777 1777-08-01 An Express having this moment Arriv’d from Cape May with a Letter, Copy of which I have the...
24498 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1777-08-01 We this moment have received the Intelligence contained in the inclosed —whether the Enemy will...
24499 Washington, George McDougall, Alexander From George Washington to Brigadier General Alexander … 1777-08-01 By an Express this moment arrived from Cape May, The Enemy’s Fleet left Yesterday Morning at...
24500 Massachusetts Council Washington, George To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 1 … 1777-08-01 the inclosed is a Copy of a Letter this moment recd from the Brigadier of the County of Essex:...
24501 Washington, George Putnam, Israel From George Washington to Major General Israel Putnam … 1777-08-01 I have this moment received intelligence by express that the enemy’s fleet yesterday morning...
24502 Schuyler, Philip Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Philip … 1777-08-01 Your Favor of the 27th Instant I received Yesterday Morning, at Fort Miller, on my Way to this...
24503 Washington, George Sullivan, John From George Washington to Major General John Sullivan … 1777-08-01 By an Express this Moment received from Cape May, The Enemy’s Fleet put to Sea yesterday Morning...
24504 Washington, George White, Anthony Walton From George Washington to Lieutenant Colonel Anthony … 1777-08-01 A Letter just received from Brigadier General Maxwell informs me of the desertion of one of your...
24505 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 2 August 1777 1777-08-02 By an express last night from Cape May, We learn that the Fleet went out of the Bay, the Morning...
24506 Continental Congress, New England delegates Washington, George New England Delegates to George Washington, 2 August … 1777-08-02 As Congress have authorized your Excellency to send a proper Officer to take the Command in the...
24507 Livingston, Robert R. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert R. Livingston, 2 … 1777-08-02 I wish I Could beleive as You do with respect to the Enemies Strenght, but in order to do this I...
24508 Williams, Jonathan Jr. American Commissioners Jonathan Williams, Jr., to the American Commissioners … 1777-08-02 ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I have just...
24509 Lee, William Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from William Lee, [2 August 1777] 1777-08-02 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Lee presents his Compliments to Doctor Franklin and...
24510 Paddack, Seth Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Seth Paddack, 2 August 1777 1777-08-02 ALS : American Philosophical Society You must have Heard of My Arival last December in a Paltry...
24511 Washington, George Commanding Officer on March to Peekskill, N.Y. From George Washington to the Commanding Officer on … 1777-08-02 By Express last Night, I inform’d you of my having rec’d intelligence, that the Enemy’s Fleet had...
24512 Forman, David Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General David … 1777-08-02 Since I had the Honr of Transmiting your Excely An Acct of the Enemies Fleet’s sailing, Nothing...
24513 Hancock, John Washington, George To George Washington from John Hancock, 2 August 1777 1777-08-02 I do myself the Honour to Inclose you sundry Resolutions of Congress, to which beg leave to Refer...
24514 Heath, William Washington, George To George Washington from Major General William Heath … 1777-08-02 We have had no certain intelligence of the Fleet since I wrote your Excellency on Yesterday Many...
24515 Massachusetts Council Washington, George To George Washington from the Massachusetts Council, 2 … 1777-08-02 The inclosed are Copies of two Letters one from Salem & the other from Glocester from which it...
24516 New England Delegates to the Continental Congress Washington, George From the New England Delegates to the Continental … 1777-08-02 as Congress have authorized your Excellency to send a proper Officer to take the Command in the...
24517 Preudhomme de Borre, Philippe-Hubert, chevalier de Washington, George To George Washington from Preudhomme de Borre, 2 August … 1777-08-02 I received Several Letters from your Excellency in my road & I executed his orders exactly, the...
24518 Washington, George Putnam, Israel From George Washington to Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 2 … 1777-08-02 Letter not found: to Maj. Gen. Israel Putnam, 2 Aug. 1777. On 4 Aug. Putnam wrote GW that “I Recd...
24519 Walton, George Washington, George To George Washington from George Walton, 2 August 1777 1777-08-02 Despairing of an opportunity of personally communicating a peice of business, in your present...
24520 Washington, George Preudhomme de Borre, Philippe-Hubert, chevalier de George Washington to Brigadier General Preudhomme de … 1777-08-03 Philadelphia, August 3, 1777 . Orders De Borre to remain at Bound Brook until enemy arrives at...