Thomas Jefferson Papers

Charles G. Paleske to Thomas Jefferson, 7 December 1811

From Charles G. Paleske

Washington City December 7th 1811


I duly received Your favor of the 30th of September, for which I return You many thanks.—

An active agency of any extent in public undertakings would improperly intrude upon the leisure and retirement, which You have sought after the labours, in which You have for so many Years acted a distinguished and highly useful part.—For Your good wishes for the success of the company I am greatly indebted, and knowing that amidst the literary avocations, which no doubt now employ Your hours, it will not be unacceptable to hear of our further progress—I take the liberty of enclosing a pamphlet from which You will perceive that further attempts are now in prosecution for enlisting in the most beneficial object we have in view, the support of the General Government, as well as that of the State through which our Canals are to pass.

Accept, Sir, my best wishes for a prolongation of Your life and health, and beleive me with the highest consideration

Your obedt Servt

Charles G: Paleske

RC (MHi); dateline adjacent to signature; at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Late President of the United States of America”; endorsed by TJ as received 22 Dec. 1811 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: An Act to Incorporate the Union Canal Company, of Pennsylvania, with the Bye-laws, Rules, Orders and Regulations, enacted at a meeting of the Stockholders, on the 24th July, 1811 (Philadelphia, 1811).

The enclosed work included memorials of 19 Nov. 1811 from the Union Canal Company seeking support in an unspecified form from the legislature of the general government and a $100,000 loan from that of the state of Pennsylvania (pp. 27–32, 32–4).

Index Entries

  • An Act to Incorporate the Union Canal Company, of Pennsylvania search
  • canals; Union Canal Company of Pa. search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Paleske, Charles Gottfried; and Union Canal Company of Pa. search
  • Paleske, Charles Gottfried; letters from search
  • Pennsylvania; canals in search
  • Union Canal Company of Pennsylvania search