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Results 24451-24500 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
AL : American Philosophical Society Mde. Brillon a l’honneur de faire mil compliments a mr....
24452General Orders, 30 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
The paymasters of those regiments, from which detachments have been made, to form the Corps of...
To hear of you, conducting our opposition to the feelings of an approaching Slavery, with an...
As we are yet uncertain as to the real destination of the Enemy, tho’ Delaware seems most...
I do myself the Honor to inform you, that I arrived here on the 28th at Night with Genl Green’s...
I have just received the honor of yours of the 19th Instant, and shall pay strict attention to...
I was this day favoured with your Letter of the 28th It was never my intention that the two...
We enclose your Excellency the Examination of a prisoner which we have Reason to believe is true,...
The Designs of the Enemy & the Importance of the Posts in the Various parts of the Country are...
Yours of the 28th from Elizabeth Town, did not reach me untill this morning. From the conclusion...
I have desired Genl Gates to give you immediate information of the arrival of the Enemy’s Fleet...
AL (draft ): Library of Congress; two copies: National Archives The Hope of obtaining previously...
AL (draft): Library of Congress Mr. Wm. Lee, who has been prudentially detain’d here some time by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be handed you by Monsr. Le Baron De Cadignun, whom...
DS : American Philosophical Society Mémoire. Amé, Ambroise, Joseph, Feutry, né à Lille, en...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai eu L’honneur de vous ecrire en date du 9. Decbre. 1774....
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Dieppe, July 31, 1777, in French: I send you some verses in...
24468General Orders, 31 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
The army is to cross the Delaware with all possible dispatch, and proceed for Philadelphia—Col....
I have this moment receiv’d information from Philadelphia that the Enemies Fleet made their...
Letter not found: from Maj. Gen. Horatio Gates, 31 July 1777. GW’s letter to Gates of 31 July...
Your letter of this morning is just come to hand. I have immediately, in consequence of the...
An Express this Moment arrived with a Letter from Genl Rodney a Copy of which I enclose agreeably...
I am this Moment Honor’d with yours of 5 OClock this morning, & have accordingly sett the Army in...
I have just rec’d information from Philaa that the Enemy’s Fleet arrived at the Capes of Delaware...
I received your favour of the 28th Inst. and have according to your direction ordered two...
I am this moment advised by Express that the Enemy’s Fleet is arrived at Delaware; I request that...
I was just now honored with your Letter of the 25th inst. The evacuation of Ticonderoga and Mount...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je prie M. franklin d’avertir M. andrew Patton de se Rendre a...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin...
AL (draft ): Library of Congress The Marquis de la Fayette, a young Nobleman of great...
ALS : American Philosophical Society These two undated notes, we believe, were written in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me suis engagé la derniere fois que J’ai eu l’honneur de...
I have received your three several favours of this day —I have spoken to the Commissary & forage...
The Fleet is in Delaware Bay. 228 of them were seen, in the Offing, from Cape Henlopen, the day...
Chester [ Pennsylvania ] August 1, 1777. Orders Greene to hold men in readiness to march and to...
Chester [ Pennsylvania ] August 1, 1777. Warns of probable attack on Highlands. Discusses orders...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Yours of the 25th. July Came safe to hand. As to French...
ALS : American Philosophical Society En arrivant de la Campagne je trouve la lettre et le paquet...
AD : American Philosophical Society Nous soussignés en vertu de nos pouvoirs donnons ordre et...
We have not recieved any certain intelligence that the Fleet have got within the Capes. By the...
Salisbury, Conn., 1 Aug. 1777 . “Suffer me to inclose Copies of several Letters, directed to me...
I had proceeded thus far in order to look out for a proper place to arrange the Army when I recd...
I have this Moment recd information that the Enemy’s Fleet have left the Capes of Delaware and...
Having recd information that the Fleet have left the Capes of Delaware and steered Eastward, you...
Your favour of the 28th Ult: concerning the Office of Geographer, I had the honour to receive...
I have just received information by express that the enemys fleet have disappeared from the Capes...
An Express having this moment Arriv’d from Cape May with a Letter, Copy of which I have the...
We this moment have received the Intelligence contained in the inclosed —whether the Enemy will...
By an Express this moment arrived from Cape May, The Enemy’s Fleet left Yesterday Morning at...
the inclosed is a Copy of a Letter this moment recd from the Brigadier of the County of Essex:...