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17 October 1804 , “ In Council Annapolis .” “We have the Honor to transmit to you inclosed a letter containing a Certificate of the Election of a Representative of the fourth District of this State in the Congress of the United States to supply the occasioned by the death of the Honble Daniel Heister which you will be pleased to deliver to the House of Representatives when they shall be...
Considering it probable that the efforts of the General Government to effect an amicable adjustment of our differences with Great Britain will prove unavailing, and that a state of open and declared hostilities will shortly take place between that Power and the United States, We think it our duty to lay before your Excellency as concisely as possible a full view of the present exposed...
In pursuance of a Resolution of the Senate of this State, I have the honor of transmitting to you inclosed, an authenticated Copy of a law lately passed by the Legislature of Maryland, ratifying an amendment to the Constitution of the United States in the manner of choosing a President and Vice President and am with high consideration FC ( MdAA : Letterbooks of Governor and Council); partially...
Letter not found: from Metcalf Bowler, 21 July. On 19 Aug. GW wrote Bowler that he had “received your letter of the 21st of July.”
Sometime previous to the appointment of Officers, for the collection of the public imposts—I was requested to make application for that appointment, by my freinds in this quarter—I accordingly wrote to my good friends Generals, Knox, Jackson & Lincoln also the Secretary of this State, but my Letters were too late, & your Excellency appointed our Old Naval Officer collector to this Port. It...
At a treaty held at Fort Stanwix, in the month of November 1768, the Six Nations pretending to claim the territory as far as the Cherokee river (as by right by conquest) did then cede the said right to his Britannic Majesty, which far extended beyond the former limits of the then province of Virginia, which was settled by treaty in consequence of his Majestys order for the purpose, as well...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When dining at Passy some weeks ago I heard you mention that fixed Air had been used with success as a dissolvent in some Case or Cases of a Stone in the bladder. An Acquaintance of mine here desirous to try its power in some Cases now under his care wishes to collect every attainable information on the subject. I cannot doubt your contributing what you can...
Several Months ago I enclosed to You a small sealed packet , containing a rough draught of a steam Engine , by Mr. Lucas, a most ingenious and Worthy Man. He purposed to soon afterwards send on a Model of that Engine, but the urgency of our more intelligent planters for his aid in relief of our former heavy labour in clearing out the Rice Crops has kept him in uninterrupted hurry. I now...
Peachtree, S.C., 5 April 1791. Invites GW to accept the accommodations of his house near the Charleston road fourteen miles from Georgetown, S.C., where he “will do my self the honour of meeting your Excellency.” ALS , DLC:GW . John Bowman (1746–1807), a native of Scotland, settled in Georgia in 1769. He had moved to St. James Santee Parish in South Carolina by the mid–1780s, where he married...
Sunday Morning at day breack Reached our post at Fort Lee and the Hights above as far as Spiken Devil, upon our first view of the Enemy they were all posted in their works where they continued during the day without any movment that came within our view; Monday, a working party consisting of about fifty men at their lines between Fort Tryon and the north River who appeared to be finishing a...
By the Arrangement of the officers of the 11th regiment of Infantry Captains Faulkner and Brooks stand first on the list. I have only Sir to mention that I seved in the Army of the United States in the revolutionary war (a few months excepted) from its commencement untill its dissolution in Decr. 1783 that I held the rank of an Ensign in the 3d Massachtt. regiment Command. by Colo. John...
With the best respects of DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
I deem it no small honor, nor trifling priviledge to be permitted to send to one of the fathers of American liberty, some evidence of the attempts which the younger votaries are making in the European world to establish these great principles of usefulness and truth which by & bye we hope will pervade & influence and bless society. It is not for me to say that we have labored wisely—yet the...
Seeing in the Gazette of Saturday last that you had taken leave of his Majesty, & presuming you are soon about to return to America, I should feel myself wanting in gratitude was I not to avail myself of an opportunity before your departure of expressing the obligations I was lain under by the distinguished respect I received when you visited this part of the Country, very heartily Sir do I...
As I have, with the Proctor’s permission, made use of Pavilion N o 1. as a place of study , for the last two or three months, I was not a little surprised. To receive from him , a note requesting my immediate removal—He stated that he had incurred your displeasure by granting me permission to use a Room in the same, and that unless I obtained special leave from you I could not remain in it...
Not before the 18th. of May did I recve your favour of the date Novr. 3d. 1802. Shortly afterwards I made the inquirey agreable to your request relative to those bones which have been found in a Saltpeter cave the property of A Mr. Pattin about 15 Miles distance from me. the claw & other bones will be eaquel to the information you have ricvd. within a few weeks past. Pattin informes me when...
I felt myself extremely flatter’d in being honor’d with a letter some time since from your Excellency & beg to present You my most grateful acknowledgements for the favor. will you have the goodness Sir to permit me to inclose You a proposal for the publishing the most splendid & Magnificent Work ever set on foot in this Country; of a History of England: & I cannot help adding that I should...
The utmost apology is due for my presuming to venture upon a repetition of taking the liberty to address your Excellency, who am so perfectly unknown to You, but the high & flattering gratification I reced, from being honor’d with a letter some time since from your Excellency, has embolden’d me to take liberties which otherwise I might not have presumed upon. The cause of my presumption in the...
Inclosed is an Account of Monthly Disbursts from January 1st to June 1st made by me & settled with the old Committee which I humbly conceive with answer the End required in Ballancing my Accot on your Book: The Vouchers are left in Mr Palmer’s hands at Williamsbg. Agreeable to your Instructions to Capt. Stewart I have sent by him Your Subsistance to Janry 1st 1758. I have also paid off the...
As it is Generally Expected that a Change of officers will take place in the Custom house of this port, a large Circile of my friends have encouraged me to apply to your Excellency for the place of naval officer now filled by Genl. William Mc.Pherson—I flatter myself that such Credentials & Recommendations Can be obtained in favour of my public Character & private Life as will Give General...
To the President the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. The Petition of James Boyd of Boston in the County of Suffolk and Commonwealth of Massachusetts Esquire, Humbly sheweth — That your Petitioner was possessed from the Year 1767 till the Beginning of our Contest with Great Britain of very large Property in Lands situated on the Eastern...
Your Excellency will pardon the freedom of my addressing you, when you are acquainted with my sufferings & my present Indigence. which is such as urges me to request your Influence with Congress respecting the resolv’s of this Court (relative to my sufferings) which was sent on to Congress, by Order of Government. bearing date Nov r. 10 th: 1786, Copy of which by the desire of the Hon be. M r....
To oblige us one of the Banks here has consented to take our draft on M r Gibson for $432.25 the Interest to the 15 Ins t on the payment you have to make us on the 7 May 1820 of $2083.20—The draft will, according to their fixed rule, be passed to our credit upon advice of its payment in Richmond being received— Altho’ attended with delay, this arrangement saves you from a loss of about 1 ½ PC...
I have the honor to address your Excellency upon the subject of the contemplated reduction of the Army. The solicitude I feel for my own fate, arising from a long devotion to the profession of arms, & having no other , induces me to ask so much of your Excellency’s patronage, as is consistent with your estimation of my merits. I would not intrude upon your recollection a lengthend narration of...
I have the honor to inclose a letter of introduction from General Lincoln, and regret very much my disappointment in not being able to have presented it in person, as it has only come on since my Arrival here, some letters that I had for the Secretary of State made it necessary that I should not delay at N York— I presume the letter is explanatory of my views, in coming here, & recommending...
Permit me the honour of soliciting your perusal of the enclosd Documents and Facts, relative to the Military conduct of an Officer, who proudly Acknowledges your former patronage. RC ( MHi ); endorsed by TJ as received 16 May 1816 and so recorded in SJL . RC ( MHi ); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to Charles Willson Peale, 17 Aug. 1816 , on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esq...
20 November 1803, Boston. “Permit me to ask your patronage for my brother Joseph C Boyd. He had a mercantile education in this Town, and has been several years resident in the Town of Portland, in the line of his profession, in which time he has obtained the rank of Major in the independant Militia of the District.” Joseph C. Boyd wishes to be named marshal. John Langdon has written on his...
25 August 1803, Portland . Was informed on his arrival from France of his appointment as commissioner of bankruptcy for the District of Maine. On presenting his commission to the board of commissioners, however, was informed that his commission was “not Valid” and that a Mr. Mussey had been appointed in his stead. His friends advised him to write to Judge Sewall “to know the truth” of the...
[ Paris, 29 Apr. 1789 . Recorded in SJL as received 29 Apr. 1789. Not found.]
Paris, 15 Oct. 1788. Have received from TJ a bill of exchange for £200, “dated Mephin Plantation,” S.C., 20 Aug. 1788, at 60 days by Henry Laurens to order of John Rutledge, endorsed to and by TJ , on Manning & Vaughan of London, which they will negotiate and credit to the account of John Rutledge, Jr. RC ( MHi ); 1 p.
Paris, 9 May 1788 . Enclose a letter from John Rutledge, Jr., asking TJ to pay them any money received for his account from Jean Jacques Bérard & Cie. of L’Orient. RC ( DLC ); address below signature: “Rue d’Amboise No. 4.” Enclosure: Rutledge to TJ, 6 May 1788 .
ALS : American Philosophical Society I hope you will pardon the Freedom I take in addressing myself an entire Stranger to you, but I havg: had the Pleasure of seeing you in London & very well acquainted with your Universal Character & ever Distinguished Mark of Lenity & Compassionate Disposition towards the distressed & this being only on the Behalf of 3 Distress’d Captains & 2 others on Board...
New Windsor [ New York ] April 18, 1799 . Seeks employment building the gun carriages for the “Arm’d Vessells now building” in New York. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Boyd owned a gunsmith shop and operated a forge on Quassaick Creek in New Windsor.
When I took the liberty last summer to intrude upon your Excellency with a hasty line in favour of my Brother—in—law Mr. Hemming I flattered myself that I should soon have been able to indulge myself in the pleasure of writing you at great length on many subjects highly interesting to America and this Country: but such has been the accumulation of Business of various kinds in which I have been...
It was with a great deal of regret that I learned yesterday at your Hotel that your Excellency had set out the preceding day, as I always meant to have requested your taking Charge of a long letter for my Brother and also Mrs. Boyd’s picture and my own. I ought to have prepared my letters in time and send them to your house; but the variety of occupations in which I am engaged at this very...
Paris, 11 Aug. 1791 . When TJ considers importance to a young family settling in America of being known to him, he will pardon liberty taken in recommending his brother-in-law , Mr. Hemmings, to TJ’s protection. They will attempt to settle in Maryland. He is too well acquainted with TJ’s obliging disposition to doubt his readiness to render any service to them in his power. RC ( DLC ); 2 p.;...
If I were not convinced that your mind is still more elevated above the ordinary motives of human action than your high and important situation is above the common lot of humanity, I should not venture to address you, on the strength of the acquaintance which I had the honour to form with your Excellency upwards of Twelve years ago at Paris.—Presuming upon that acquaintance, I beg leave to...
May the 7th. 1805. Recd. of Thomas Jefferson Esqr. President of the United States twelve dollars for Licence to use a Charriot in Washington City from the 1st. of July 1804 to the 1st. of July 1805 May the 7th. 1805 Recd. of Thomas Jefferson Esqr. President of the United States eighteen dollars for licence to use two Phaetons in Washington City from the 1st. of July 1804 to the 1st. of July....
I have been directed by the Court to forward to you the inclosed petition accompanied by a letter of Mr. Joseph Nourse Addressd. to the Courts. I am Sir with much Respect your Obedient Servt DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
The Licence Granted to the President to use private Cariages in Washington City untill the first day of August. 1805. were as follows 1 Charriot $12. } If the President Continues to use the same Carriages The same amount is due for Licence untill the first of August. next. 2 Phaetons 18. There is also due from the President the 2nd. Instalment. on his Subsciption to the Public Schools
Recd. of Thomas Jefferson President of the united States twenty dollars being the amount of the fifth Instalment of his Subscription to the Washington Public School Institution MoSHi : Bixby Collection.
I am directed by the Court to transmit to you the inclosed Petition. I am Sir with much respect. your Obedient Servt. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
You are hereby notified, that under the late assessment law your personal property is valued at 2000 dollars, and that the board of appeal, composed of the city commissioners, will meet at the council chamber on Tuesday 14 June and continue to set for ten days, from 3 o’clock P. M. until 7 P. M. every day, sunday excepted. DLC : Papers of James Madison.
Not having the honour of a personal Acquaintance with you, I have taken this method to inform you of my wish to be considered a candidate for the Office of Marshal for the District of Columbia, which I have been informed will be vacated at the close of this year, I enclose, for your consideration, a certificate of my character and fitness for the office, from the Present Marshal; also a letter...
In consequence of an application from Capt. George Peter of the Light Artillery, respecting a man by the name of John Warring, who was attatched to his Company, but is now Confined in the Jail of this County— I this morning waited on the Secratary of war; I now enclose Capt. Peters letter to me with the Secratary of War’s note to you together with a Certificate from the Clerk of the County...
I must apologize to you for not having been more prompt in procuring the information you requested of me on the 2nd inst. I now enclose you a letter from Mr. Moss to whom I wrote on the Subject, by which it will appear from some mismanagement in the post office at Alexandria the delay has taken place, it does appear that the person of whom you wanted information is the Same Josiah Watson, who...
This serv’s to inform you that the Trustees of the Washington Public schools, will meet at the Capitol on Monday next— 10 OClock A M. MHi : Coolidge Collection.
Recd. of Thomas Jefferson President of the United States thirty two dollars for licence to use in Washington City. one Charriot, two Phaetons and one gigg untill the first day of August. 1807. MoSHi : Bixby Collection.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I who is Confind here send these few lines to inform you how I came to be Confin’d. On the 18th. Octr. I Desartd from a Merchantman in Loriont call’d the Breton after sarving four months in the said ship. When I came to Nantz I ship’d with Capt. Smith being in hopes to get to my Natural Country. Likewise 4 more came with me from the said Ship and having a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Humble Petition of the Mariners formerly belonging to the Patriote Captain Green. To his Excellency the Right Honorable Benjamin Franklin Prime Minister of the 13 United States of America. Sheweth That Your honours humble Petitioners as met with the Misfortune to be Cast Away and has lost the best Part of our Apparel Owing to the Vessel sinking so...