From George Washington to William Franklin, 29 July 1777
To William Franklin
Coryells Ferry [N.J.] 29 July 1777
Agreeable to what I wrote you a few days ago I transmitted your letter to me to Congress.
Inclosed you have their answer by a Resolve of the 28th with Copy of the Certificate which was granted by you to Robert Betts while upon your parole.1 It appears that this Act has laid Congress under the necessity of refusing your Request.2 I am &ca.
Df, in Tench Tilghman’s writing, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. These enclosures have not been identified, but for Congress’s resolution of 28 July, see GW to Hancock, 25 July 1777 (first letter), and note 2.
2. In this sentence on the draft Tilghman inserted the words “It appears that this Act” after striking the following phrase: “I am sorry that an act of your own so contrary to the type of Honor under which you stood engaged.”