Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas H. Williams to Thomas Jefferson, 12 October 1812

From Thomas H. Williams

Washington Octr 12th 1812

Dear Sir,

I have enquired at Mr Magruder’s office with respect to the Batture Pamphlet destined for Mr Poydras. Mr Magruder was not in the office, but the Door Keeper who was charged with the distribution of the Pamphlets informed me that there were not enough by 20. or 30. for the members present—. so that it is clear Mr Poydras has not received one from that quarter.

I am with great respect Yr Mo. Ob. Servt

Tho H. Williams

RC (MoSHi: TJC-BC); at foot of text: “Mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 17 Oct. 1812 and so recorded in SJL.

Thomas Hill Williams (1773–1850), attorney and public official, was a native of North Carolina who moved to Mississippi Territory in 1802. TJ appointed him register of the land office there in 1805. Williams also held appointments as territorial secretary, 1805–06 and 1807–09, in which capacity he served as acting governor in 1806 and 1809. Subsequently President James Madison appointed him revenue collector for the Mississippi district, stationed at New Orleans. He held this position from 1810 to 1815. Williams was elected to the United States Senate on the admission of Mississippi to statehood in 1817 and served until 1829. He was a director of the Bank of Orleans in 1811 and a trustee of Jefferson College in Washington, Mississippi Territory. Williams later moved to Robertson County, Tennessee, where he died (Robert Lowry and William H. McCardle, eds., A History of Mississippi, from the Discovery of the Great River by Hernando de Soto [1891], 194–5; Robert Williams to Albert Gallatin, 29 Jan. 1805 [DNA: RG 59, LAR, 1801–09]; Isaac Briggs to TJ, 18 May 1805, and Williams to TJ, 29 Sept. 1808 [both in DLC]; Terr. Papers description begins Clarence E. Carter and John Porter Bloom, eds., The Territorial Papers of the United States, 1934–75, 28 vols. description ends , vols. 5–6; JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States description ends , 1:486, 2:57, 59, 135, 136 [3 Mar. 1805, 9, 12 Nov. 1807, 3, 4 Jan. 1810]; The Charter and Statutes of Jefferson College, Washington, Mississippi [1840], 21; Latrobe, Papers description begins John C. Van Horne and others, eds., The Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 1984–88, 3 vols. description ends , 3:307n; Robertson Co. Will Book, 14:414–5).

Thomas Claxton was door keeper for the United States House of Representatives.

Index Entries

  • Claxton, Thomas (d.1821); doorkeeper of U.S. House of Representatives search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston search
  • Magruder, Patrick; clerk of U.S. House of Representatives search
  • Poydras, Julien Lalande; and TJ’s Proceedings search
  • The Proceedings of the Government of the United States, in maintaining the Public Right to the Beach of the Missisipi, Adjacent to New-Orleans, against the Intrusion of Edward Livingston (Thomas Jefferson); TJ distributes remaining copies search
  • Williams, Thomas Hill; and TJ’s batture pamphlet search
  • Williams, Thomas Hill; identified search
  • Williams, Thomas Hill; letters from search