Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Lehré to Thomas Jefferson, 13 October 1812

From Thomas Lehré

Charleston Oct: 13th 1812

Dear Sir

The enclosed paper will show you that your Republican friends in South Carolina, cannot forget you, they upon all occasions are proud to acknowledge you as their Political preceptor. This City, has been in a very great uproar for several days past, in consequence of our Elections, which end this afternon, at four aClock—The Federalists have made the greatest exertions to carry their Ticket, but I trust it will be without effect—I am persuaded that the Madison Ticket will Succeed.

I remain with the highest respect Sir Your Obedt Humble Servt

Thomas Lehré

RC (MHi); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Late P. U. S.”; endorsed by TJ as received 4 Nov. 1812 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found.

Lehré correctly anticipated South Carolina’s unanimous electoral vote for the madison ticket (JS description begins Journal of the Senate of the United States description ends , 5:256 [10 Feb. 1813]).

Index Entries

  • Federalist party; in S.C. search
  • Lehré, Thomas; and S.C. politics search
  • Lehré, Thomas; letters from search
  • Madison, James; and presidential election search
  • Republican party; in S.C. search
  • South Carolina; Federalists in search
  • South Carolina; Republicans in search