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Results 24421-24450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, July 28, 1777, in French: To whom should one apply,...
24422General Orders, 28 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
In consequence of my representations to Congress of the advantage that might be derived from...
Yours of the 23d from Philada and that of the 27th from Coryells Ferry both met me yesterday on...
Having been in the Country on Post days, & nothing of any consequence occurring, I have not wrote...
This morning I laid before Congress your letter of the 25 with that inclosed from Mr W. Franklin...
Letter not found: from Brig. Gen. William Maxwell, 28 July 1777. GW wrote Maxwell on 30 July that...
I last night received your favour of yesterday morning. The appearance of the enemy’s fleet off...
I have now before me your Two Favors of the 15th & 23d Inst. I have not the proceedings of the...
We have certain advices that part of the Enemy’s Fleet, Viz. Seventy Sail were beating off Little...
I am honored with your Favor of the 24h Instant, Which I received half an Hour ago having just...
I have just received your Favor of the 18th Instt, at a Time I was preparing to set out. Allow me...
Letter not found: from Major General Stirling, 28 July 1777. GW’s letter to Stirling of 30 July...
I yesterday received your Favor of the 21st on the Road, and thank you much for the Ordinance...
last evening received a Letter from Majr General Putnam informing that the Enemy’s Fleet hath...
Your Letter of the 25 th. : July Inst. which does no less Honour to your Candor, than Reputation...
I have the pleasure of your favour of the 25th. I cannot be induced to think the enemy are so...
ALS : University of Virginia Library; letterbook copy: Yale University Library I yesterday drew...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Paris, July 29, 1777, in French: Mr. Deane, I have heard,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you a letter by Mr. Garnier, which, on account of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; letterbook copy: Yale University Library In consequence of...
24442General Orders, 29 July 1777 (Washington Papers)
The Commander in Chief has reason to believe, that it has been owing to the carelessness and...
Agreeable to what I wrote you a few days ago I transmitted your letter to me to Congress....
The Bearer Monsr Portail is appointed by Congress Colonel of Engineers, and is recommended as a...
Upon your Arrival at Trenton you are to halt till you receive further orders. I do not think it...
Notwithstanding it will be a Week tomorrow since the Fleet left the Hook, none of the Ships had,...
I have recd your letter of the 21 inst. The Evacuation of Ticonderoga is very alarming, I wish it...
I dare say before this Time you have interpreted the Northern Storm; if the presages chill’d your...
I am sorry to find by your late Letter what indeed I expected to hear, that my Farm wants manure....
His Excellency commands me to acknowlege the receipt of yours of the 27th instant. The...