Adams Papers

3d. Sunday.

3d. Sunday.

Mr. Gummer arrived there at about 8 o’clock in the morning. Here people generally change their russian money for Swedish Rixdallers. We paid 1 Rbl. 40 cop. for each Rixdaller. Mr. Gummer supped out.

List of the roads from Wibourg to Frederichshamm.
From Wibourg to wersts
Terwajoki [Tervayokki] 20.
Willajoki [Willayokki] 17.
Urpala [Urpola] 23.
Pytterlax [Puterlar] 16
Kouckis1 18
Frederichshamm 16.

From Wibourg to Frederichshamm you pay the same for the horses and for the postillions as from Lindola to Wibourg; the roads in general are at present very bad, and no such thing as a tavern upon the whole way.

1In the “Carte de la partie européenne de l’empire de Russie,” Hrenwik is listed as 16 versts from Frederichshamm. See entry for 1 Nov., note 1 (above).

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