John Jay Papers

From John Jay to Peter Van Schaack, 23 January 1827

To Peter Van Schaack

Bedford—West Chester County—N. York 23d. Jany 1827—

Dear Sir

I have recd. your friendly Letter of the 27th. ult.—1 It gives me pleasure to reflect that our mutual Esteem & Regard have from an early period are ^been^ constantly productive of Cordiality & Gratification—

A kind Providence has extended our Lives to the commencemt. of the ensuing year— Very few of our early Associates remain with us on this Occasion.— our temporal abode here is merely “pro hac Vice”,2 and our Departure is then to be placed ^us^ in a State of eternal Good or Evil. That important Good can only be obtained by the means of our merciful Redeemer; who was pleased to declare in his own words viz “without me ye can do nothing.”3

Altho I have long been in a State of Debility, yet it was lately so increased by an additional Complaint,4 as caused me to delay preparing a few Lines to you more seasonably—

That you & your Family may ^always^ be blessed with ^beneficial^ Prosperity, enjoy be assured of ^is^ the best wishes both by ^of^ my children, sent ^and^ also by of your affte Friend—

Peter van Schaack Esqr

Dft, NNC (EJ: 09449). Endorsed: “…in answer of 23 Jany 1827 / to his of 27 Decr 1826”; WJ, 2: 426–27.

2Pro hac Vice: for this turn.

3John 15: 5.

4See WJ to PAJ, 31 May 1825, above.

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