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Results 241-290 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
When at Washington I took the liberty to recommend Robert Porter Esqr. of Philadelphia to your...
I have this moment received your Excellen[c]y’s polite letter of today—and have the honor to...
Letter not found: to Clement Biddle, 28 Oct. 1786. On 5 Nov. Biddle wrote GW : “I have your...
I snatch a moment to intimate that Dr. T. Ewell is under circumstances which induce him to...
I have received your favor of Apr. 19. and supposing you would wish information as to the article...
I have recd. from Mr. H. Wheaton who is engaged in a Biography of the late W. Pinkney a letter...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait...
I have the honor to inclose you a list of the Votes in the city and county of Philadelphia from...
249[Diary entry: 2 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 2d. Mercury at 65 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at N. Much rain had fallen in the...
The General Assembly of this State frequently receives Petitions from Soldiers who have met with...
Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de V. S. que el Exmo. Senor Dn. Pedro Cevallos me previene de...
I am directed by the Secretary of State to request that you will furnish him with an estimate of...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 17 inst.—with the List inclosed of your...
In trying to Preform your orders to Benington Vermont about forty four miles from New York nearly...
Agreeable to your request I will give you Some few remarks on my last expedition. Having had no...
The active part which you took before your departure from Virginia, as a director of the public...
Copy: the Royal Society; partial copy: American Philosophical Society <August 12: The Committee...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, January 25, 1791. Encloses “quarterly Accounts to the 31st. Ultimo.”...
The condescending kindnesses and proofs of your regard, with which I have been honoured by you...
We do ourselves the pleasure to enclose to your Excellency, a letter from Governor Burt, of...
I much fear that in performing my duty, and endeavoring to give you all the information possible...
Annexed is a Copy of my last Since which I have requested of Admiral Montigue the general...
I use the opportunity of mr. gallatins return to the United States to acknowledge the receipt of...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote the Above in much haste, and yet it...
I was yesterday favor’d with your Excellency’s Letter of 27th: Decr: in answer to one I had the...
According to promise I wrote to the clerk of Goochland for a copy of Reuben Skelton’s will. his...
267General Orders, 9 October 1778 (Washington Papers)
Particular Brigade returns to be made to the orderly Office on Monday next agreeable to a form...
I have been favoured with two notes from yo⟨u⟩ of this date—the last, in time to prevent the...
Since my letter to you covering the nomination of the Staff Officers of my Regt. and the Bond...
I have the honor to transmit to you, a letter from Governor Telfair of the 20th of July,...
Having countermanded the March of the three Eastern Regiments under the Command of Lieutt Colo....
As the Convention of the States is expected to meet in this City in the next Month, I make bold...
[Philadelphia] 4 Jan. 1793. Presents his compliments and writes that “The Statements went in...
As Mr. Alston is already known to you no introduction or recommendation from me can be requisite....
Mr. Glendye a presbyterian clergyman from Ireland, who settled two or three years ago at Staunton...
27624th. (Adams Papers)
One of the breast plates was broke, and we were obliged to send it a mile and half to be mended...
277[Diary entry: 27 January 1786] (Washington Papers)
Friday 27th. Thermometer at 30 in the Morning— at Noon and at Night. Clear and pleasant all day;...
The house of Representatives want Yet four members and the Senate two. The first will not be...
Tho late, I congratulate you on the revocation of the French decrees, & Congress still more; for...
By the Contents of Sir Guy Carletons Letter which came inclosed in yours of this Day, I find it...
This morning we received your letters of the 26. Jan. and 18th. Feb. Your plan of leasing your...
In a late communication from Col Hawkin⟨s⟩ I received copies of a corrispondence between him &...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; Copy: Library of Congress I received the honour of yours...
I sincerely hope that you have, on your arrival, found Mrs. Eppes in a fair way of recovering....
Mrs Bingham has done me the honor to deliver me your Letter of the 15 March with the Seal you...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vous me trouverez bien ingrat de n’avoir pas encore été me...
The President’s message in answer to the call of the House respecting Genl Wilkinson has...
The distressd situation of Officers and seamen obliges me as one of their Comanders to call on...
Remarks on the Resolution of Congress of the 25th February 1780—requiring each State to furnish...
Being just returned from German Town, I beg leave to inform your Excellency that I was happy...