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Results 241-270 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
241 Irvine, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Irvine, 18 July 1802 1802-07-18 When at Washington I took the liberty to recommend Robert Porter Esqr. of Philadelphia to your...
242 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 23 October 1789 1789-10-23 I have this moment received your Excellen[c]y’s polite letter of today—and have the honor to...
243 Washington, George Biddle, Clement From George Washington to Clement Biddle, 28 October … 1786-10-28 Letter not found: to Clement Biddle, 28 Oct. 1786. On 5 Nov. Biddle wrote GW : “I have your...
244 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 27 January 1813 1813-01-27 I snatch a moment to intimate that Dr. T. Ewell is under circumstances which induce him to...
245 Jefferson, Thomas Carter, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Carter, 1 May 1794 1794-05-01 I have received your favor of Apr. 19. and supposing you would wish information as to the article...
246 Madison, James Jefferson, Thomas From James Madison to Thomas Jefferson, 12 July 1824 1824-07-12 I have recd. from Mr. H. Wheaton who is engaged in a Biography of the late W. Pinkney a letter...
247 Joly de Fleury de La Valette, Jean-François Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Jean-François Joly de Fleury … 1783-03-15 LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait...
248 Coxe, Tench Adams, John To John Adams from Tench Coxe, 8 November 1792 1792-11-08 I have the honor to inclose you a list of the Votes in the city and county of Philadelphia from...
249 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 August 1786] 1786-08-02 Wednesday 2d. Mercury at 65 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at N. Much rain had fallen in the...
250 Freeman, Samuel Adams, John To John Adams from Samuel Freeman, 23 April 1777 1777-04-23 The General Assembly of this State frequently receives Petitions from Soldiers who have met with...
251 Foronda, Valentin de Madison, James To James Madison from Valentin de Foronda, 29 July 1808 1808-07-29 Tengo la honra de poner en noticia de V. S. que el Exmo. Senor Dn. Pedro Cevallos me previene de...
252 Remsen, Henry, Jr. Russell, Benjamin Henry Remsen, Jr. to Benjamin Russell and Others, 23 … 1790-11-23 I am directed by the Secretary of State to request that you will furnish him with an estimate of...
253 Franklin, Benjamin Landais, Pierre From Benjamin Franklin to Landais, 27 March 1779 1779-03-27 Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 17 inst.—with the List inclosed of your...
254 Porter, Thomas Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Thomas Porter, 3 January … 1800-01-03 In trying to Preform your orders to Benington Vermont about forty four miles from New York nearly...
255 Mackenzie, Alexander Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Alexander Mackenzie, 9 … 1794-11-09 Agreeable to your request I will give you Some few remarks on my last expedition. Having had no...
256 Buchanan, James Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from James Buchanan and William … 1785-03-20 The active part which you took before your departure from Virginia, as a director of the public...
257 Minutes of the Committee on the Purfleet Magazine … 1772-08-12 Copy: the Royal Society; partial copy: American Philosophical Society <August 12: The Committee...
258 Whipple, Joseph Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Joseph Whipple, 25 January … 1791-01-25 Portsmouth, New Hampshire, January 25, 1791. Encloses “quarterly Accounts to the 31st. Ultimo.”...
259 Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian Jefferson, Thomas Francis Adrian Van der Kemp to Thomas Jefferson, 12 … 1817-10-12 The condescending kindnesses and proofs of your regard, with which I have been honoured by you...
260 Georgia Delegates in Congress Washington, George To George Washington from the Georgia Delegates in … 1780-08-02 We do ourselves the pleasure to enclose to your Excellency, a letter from Governor Burt, of...
261 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Henry Latrobe, 14 … 1807-09-14 I much fear that in performing my duty, and endeavoring to give you all the information possible...
262 Savage, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Savage, 7 December 1801 1801-12-07 Annexed is a Copy of my last Since which I have requested of Admiral Montigue the general...
263 Warden, David Bailie Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from David Bailie Warden, 15 May … 1823-05-15 I use the opportunity of mr. gallatins return to the United States to acknowledge the receipt of...
264 Norris, Isaac Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Isaac Norris, 5 August 1761 1761-08-05 Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote the Above in much haste, and yet it...
265 Clarke, Jonathan Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Jonathan Clarke, 8 January … 1781-01-08 I was yesterday favor’d with your Excellency’s Letter of 27th: Decr: in answer to one I had the...
266 Jefferson, Thomas Thweatt, Archibald Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Thweatt, 18 December 1809 1809-12-18 According to promise I wrote to the clerk of Goochland for a copy of Reuben Skelton’s will. his...
267 Washington, George General Orders, 9 October 1778 1778-10-09 Particular Brigade returns to be made to the orderly Office on Monday next agreeable to a form...
268 Washington, George White, William From George Washington to William White, 1 January 1794 1794-01-01 I have been favoured with two notes from yo⟨u⟩ of this date—the last, in time to prevent the...
269 Bentley, William C. Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from William C. Bentley, 8 June … 1799-06-08 Since my letter to you covering the nomination of the Staff Officers of my Regt. and the Bond...
270 Knox, Henry Washington, George To George Washington from Henry Knox, 8 September 1790 1790-09-08 I have the honor to transmit to you, a letter from Governor Telfair of the 20th of July,...