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Results 241-250 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
When at Washington I took the liberty to recommend Robert Porter Esqr. of Philadelphia to your notice as one of the Commissioners of Bankruptcy for the District of Pennsylvania—Circumstances probably were not favorable at that time to his appointment—as there is now a vacancy by the death of John W. Vancleve, I again solicit your attention to the pretensions of Mr. Porter for that office,...
I have this moment received your Excellen[c]y’s polite letter of today—and have the honor to inform you that in consequence of suggestions made by the Gentlemen from Boston and the Depy Adjut. Genl (whom I met at Worcester this morning) that it would make it more convenient for the troops, many of which lived at a distance from the place of parade, if I should pass through Cambridge at an...
Letter not found: to Clement Biddle, 28 Oct. 1786. On 5 Nov. Biddle wrote GW : “I have your Esteemed favour of 28th ulto.”
I snatch a moment to intimate that Dr. T. Ewell is under circumstances which induce him to surround himself with respectable names as far as he can. Yours has been already brought into print, and he is availing himself to the utmost of your alledged patronage of him. I think it probable that he will endeavor to draw from you by letter whatever may be yielded by your politeness or benevolence;...
I have received your favor of Apr. 19. and supposing you would wish information as to the article of it relative to the concern of Carter & Trent , I take the liberty of mentioning that there was a balance due from me to that concern, which had been partly paid off before my return from Europe, and the residue was paid about two years ago as nearly as I can recollect. It was done by Lewis &...
I have recd. from Mr. H. Wheaton who is engaged in a Biography of the late W. Pinkney a letter wch. I inclose with my answer. If your recollection or memoranda can confirm or enlarge the information I have given with respect to the origin of the Embargo, be so good as to return my answer that it may be improved: If otherwise, it may be sealed & forwarded; the letter from Mr. Wheaton to be...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 9. de ce mois avec l’état des Lettres de change tirées de l’Inde et de l’Amérique, pour le service de la Marine qui appartiennent aux Américains et dont le paiement est reculé d’une année, en vertu de l’arrêt du Conseil du Roi du 26. fevrier dernier. S’il étoit possible de...
I have the honor to inclose you a list of the Votes in the city and county of Philadelphia from which it appears that the antifederal people are not as much animated upon this occasion as their leaders, and that we have more than our real proportion of votes in the city, and much more in the County. The Boroughs are generally enlightened and federal, and vote largely in proportion in all...
249[Diary entry: 2 August 1786] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 2d. Mercury at 65 in the Morning—70 at Noon and 70 at N. Much rain had fallen in the Night. The day was variable, but generally cloudy with fine rain about 10 or 11 Oclock which lasted more than an hour—after which the Sun came out but for a short duration. Rid to Muddy hole, but proceeded no further as, at the time I was there the appearances of a wet day were greatest.
The General Assembly of this State frequently receives Petitions from Soldiers who have met with losses while in the Army, some who were inlisted Soldiers and some who serv’d as Militia Men—praying that they may be made good to them. Others who were taken sick on the Road and have been at an Expence pray that their Accounts may be allowed. I mention this to you that if you think proper you may...