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Results 241-270 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
241 Spencer, Ambrose Madison, James Ambrose Spencer to James Madison, 22 October 1834 1834-10-22 My neighbor & friend E. C. Delavan Esqr. of this City, being about to proceed to Virginia, & the...
242 Joy, George Madison, James George Joy to James Madison, 21 October 1834 1834-10-21 I received with the greater satisfaction your kind letter of the 8th Ult. as those which it...
243 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 15 October 1834 1834-10-15 I have received my dear Sir, your letter of the 15th. ultimo. I did not anticipate a complaint...
244 Vail, Aaron Madison, James Aaron Vail to James Madison, 14 October 1834 1834-10-14 I received a few days ago your letter of the 9th Ultimo, with an enclosure for Mr George Joy,...
245 Madison, James Butler, Mann James Madison to Mann Butler, 11 October 1834 1834-10-11 I have recd. your letter of the 21. Ult in which you wish to obtain my recollection of what...
246 Elliott, Jesse D. Madison, James Jesse D. Elliott to James Madison, 10 October 1834 1834-10-10 Fully knowing the patriotic zeal with which you commenced & continued the last War with Great...
247 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 8 October 1834 1834-10-08 I have just received your letter of the 5th. with the Bond enclosed in it, and catch a fugitive...
248 McKiernan, George S. Madison, James George S. McKiernan to James Madison, 8 October 1834 1834-10-08 An individual, who is totally unknown to your Excellency, presumes to beg a slight favour, which...
249 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 5 October 1834 1834-10-05 I have recd. your letter of the 3d. instant enclosing me a Check on the Bank of Virginia at...
250 Madison, James Coles, Edward James Madison to Edward Coles, 3 October 1834 1834-10-03 I have received yours of the 15th Sepr. and have commenced an answer; but interruptions of...
251 Madison, James Coles, Isaac A. James Madison to Isaac A. Coles, 3 October 1834 1834-10-03 J. Madison with his best respects to Col: Coles, requests the favor of him to have the enclosed...
252 Campbell, J. H. Madison, James J. H. Campbell to James Madison, 3 October 1834 1834-10-03 Being a Virginian and having had the pleasure in my Earlier days of often Seeing and hearing you...
253 Reily, Thomas B. Madison, James Thomas B. Reily to James Madison, 2 October 1834 1834-10-02 Permit me to present you, through my friend Mr. Crabb, of Philadelphia, now on a patriotic...
254 Madison, James Cathcart, James Leander James Madison to James Leander Cathcart, September 1834 1834-09-01 I recd. in the due time your letter of Aug. 11. But in my present condition I have been obliged...
255 Trist, Nicholas P. Madison, James Nicholas P. Trist to James Madison, 25 September 1834 1834-09-25 Unless the day should be unfavorable, Mrs Trist & myself & children will set out to-morrow, to...
256 Butler, Mann Madison, James Mann Butler to James Madison, 21 September 1834 1834-09-21 On the credit of the inclosed letter of introduction from an ancient colleague of the early...
257 Madison, James Lyon, Isaac S. James Madison to Isaac S. Lyon, 20 September 1834 1834-09-20 I must apologize for the great delay in acknowledging your letter of Apl. 20th, by referring,...
258 Waterhouse, Benjamin Madison, James Benjamin Waterhouse to James Madison, 17 September 1834 1834-09-17 Ever since certain evil minded persons entered the Navy-yard at Charlestown, and beheaded the...
259 Madison, James Dew, Thomas R. James Madison to Thomas R. Dew, 15 September 1834 1834-09-15 J. M. presents his thanks to Professor Dew for the Copy of his Essay on Usury. The subject being...
260 Madison, James Gilpin, Henry D. James Madison to Henry D. Gilpin, 15 September 1834 1834-09-15 J. M. with his respects to Mr. Gilpin acknowledges the receipt of his able & eloquent Speech on...
261 Madison, James Southard, Samuel L. James Madison to Samuel L. Southard, 15 September 1834 1834-09-15 J. Madison with his respects to Mr Southard returns him many thanks for his biographical...
262 Madison, James Winder, William H. Jr. James Madison to William H. Winder [Jr.], 15 September … 1834-09-15 I am sensible of the delay in acknowledging your letter of and regret it. But apart from the...
263 Coles, Edward Madison, James Edward Coles to James Madison, 15 September 1834 1834-09-15 In returning my thanks, which I do most heartily, for your letter of the 29th ulto, I must be...
264 Lehre, Thomas Sr. Madison, James Thomas Lehre Sr. to James Madison, 15 September 1834 1834-09-15 I have been much distress’d to hear, that you have lately been so ill as to be given over by your...
265 Phillips, Henry Madison, James Henry Phillips to James Madison, 14 September 1834 1834-09-14 It is with a great degree of diffidence that I intrude on your advanced age and retirement with...
266 Clark, Thomas Madison, James Thomas Dyson Clark to James Madison, 12 September 1834 1834-09-12 Suffer me to ask a favour of you (as a Relic and a testimonial of that Regard that a father would...
267 Smith, Samuel Harrison Madison, James Samuel H. Smith to James Madison, 11 September 1834 1834-09-11 In transmitting the enclosed letter for Mrs. Madison, I cannot resist the impulse of my feelings...
268 Madison, James Joy, George James Madison to George Joy, 9 September 1834 1834-09-09 I have received your two letters of June 4th & 11th. with their enclosures. The letter to your...
269 Madison, James Vail, Aaron James Madison to Aaron Vail, 9 September 1834 1834-09-09 I inclose a letter for Mr. George Joy of London, which I request the favor of you to have...
270 Featherstonhaugh, George William Madison, James George W. Featherstonehaugh to James Madison, 1 … 1834-09-01 It was with much reluctance I gave up the idea of calling to see you on my way to the Mountains,...