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Results 2401-2430 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have just reccd. your letter of the 12th. inst: and with it a copy of the first Vol: of the...
I recd. by yesterday’s mail your letter of the 8th. i⟨nstant and one⟩ at the same time from Genl....
I recd. yesterday yours of the 6th. and at the same time a letter from Mr. Matthews on the same...
I have just completed the first volume of a collection of Debates in the state conventions on the...
By the last mail I received your favour of the 11th. ultimo—you have heard no doubt of the duel...
Not having received a definitive answer to my proposition (though I have seen Genl Cocke to whom...
Your favor of January 24. came duly to hand, & relieved me very agreeably from the anxiety...
Your letter from the Green Mountain did not come to hand till last evening. You have disappointed...
I have recd. your two letters of the 31st Ult. and the first inst: and with them the “Harmony...
I have recd with yours of   the copies of the “Elements of Arithmetic,” which I shall dispose of...
After acknowledging the rect. of your late favours, the one containing the Bills of D & N. and...
I have received, with your favour of Jany. 24, a copy of your biographical Memoir of Ths....
I beg leave to acknowledge the receipt of your esteemed favor of 9th. Ultimo, which has been...
I am about to embark for Europe in the Spring, and mean to travel in England and on the continent...
In examining the events of the late war I believe I have ascertained that when in the fall of...
I have determined to send you also a No of the Westminster, containing another article on...
Mr Law takes the liberty of submitting to Mr. Madisons perusal, a little pamphlet which is the...
I send, with the request that they be returned when you shall have done with them, a couple of...
¶ To James Leander Cathcart. Letter not found. 30 January 1827. Calendared in the lists probably...
It was my intention to have made you and Mrs. Madison a visit about this time—but unexpectedly I...
I avail myself of your promised kindness, by troubling you with the inclosed power to receive the...
This mail conveys to you two copies of the enactments, which have been delayed so long. You will...
I have received in due time by the mail your favor of 13th inst, and would have written you...
Permit me to present you a copy of my Memoir of Mr. Jefferson, not so much for any intrinsic...
I have rec d . your friendly Letter of the 27 th . ul t .— It gives me pleasure to reflect that...
It has been decided by the Visitors of the Univy. that Mr. Gray & Mr Chapman whose hotels were...
I received last evening yours of the 20th. from Charlottesville. You will not doubt the pleasure...
Since my last the fever has left me, and the cold diminished, so that I hope in a few days, to be...
I have received from the American Whig Society in the College of New Jersey, a copy of the...
I have recd. thro’ Mr. Wheaton your letter of the 9th. inst: requesting any information I might...