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Results 2401-2450 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have had an opportunity of knowing Mr Kenndy perfectly well, and always found him diligent and...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The enclos’d Account was settled by the late...
A letter which I received from Capt. Mercer, upon my return to Alexandria, informs me, that 95...
2404Memorandum Book, 1757–1776 (Franklin Papers)
MS account book: American Philosophical Society [April 3, 1757] Before leaving for England...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania List of Bills of Exchange Sterling Scot & McMichael...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I now appoint you Postmaster of Philadelphia, during our...
Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The interfering in those Weighty matters you...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I am sensible thou art well acquainted with Benja....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Franklin and his son left Philadelphia on Monday, April 4,...
I hope by the Time this reaches Your Hands that Govr Sharpe has relieved Fort Cumberland by...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Clerk calls upon me to sign the Indian...
ALS : Morristown National Historical Park At this time William Franklin appears to have been...
I recd Yours of the 2d last Night & must refer You to mine of the 5th which I sent You by...
I have no Instruction at this time by which I Can act. I have Been at Wmsburg Latly as the...
ALS : Yale University Library I received the Exemplifications of the Royal Grant, Charter and...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Your Absence when the Business was to be done for Mr....
Draft: American Philosophical Society I thank you for the Letter you have favour’d me with to...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I am here waiting the Departure of the Pacquet in which I...
Copy: Yale University Library; also draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society It is a...
After so long Silence it may be expected I shoud introduce this Letter with an Apology for my...
Invoice of Sundry Goods to be Shipd by Mr Richd Washington of London for the use of G. Washington...
Your letter by Express, of the 8th Instant I fear has fallen into the hands of the common Enemy,...
At a Council of War held at Fort Cumberland April 16th 1757. Present Colo. George Washington,...
You are to remain with the Garrison at this place, ’till the maryland troops shall relieve you:...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote a few Lines to you yesterday, but omitted to answer...
Copy. Baltimore County ss On the 20th Day of April 1757. Came Richard Davis Serjeant in Captain...
Draft: American Philosophical Society Sometime after their appointment as joint deputy...
ADS : American Philosophical Society Mr. James Parker [General Post O]ffice } April 22, 1757 Sir...
Thursday and Friday last came to Town 148 Cherokees, with Major Lewis, and yesterday I spoke to...
ALS : Yale University Library The List of Servants is come to hand. I suppose ’tis as compleat as...
Since my last to you, we have held Council after Council every day with the Indians. They seem at...
ADS : The Franklin Institute, Philadelphia I Benjamin Franklin of the City of Philadelphia,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you yesterday per Post. This is only to acquaint...
I make use of this as a less troublesome, the most effectual, and (I think) most expeditious...
Printed in The New-England Magazine of Knowledge and Pleasure , 1 (1758), 58. Franklin composed...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just time to bid you Farewell; and to acquaint you,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As you kindly offered me your best Services before you left...
Capt. Gist tells Me You was unwilling to write as You could not avoid touching on a Subject that...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society The accurate determination of longitude by a ship...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am this Moment return’d from an Excursion of four or five...
Letter not found: to John Tulleken, 12 May 1757. On 27 Oct. 1757 Tulleken wrote to GW : “Your...
You are, so soon as you arrive at Fort Loudoun, to inform the Officers that the Assembly having...
Whereas I have thought proper to discontinue the two pr ct Commissions (which the Country...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been now near 6 Weeks waiting for the Sailing of the...
ALS : Huntington Library Having determined not to go in the first Pacquet, I retired hither about...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of Familiar Letters and...
This probably may be deliver’d to You by the Hon. Edmd Atkin Esqr. who has his Majesty’s...
ALS : Horace Howard Furness Memorial Library, University of Pennsylvania I have been waiting here...
His Excellcy the Earl of Loudoun having ordd five Companys of my Battalion to serve in the back...