To George Washington from Joseph Chew, 14 March 1757
From Joseph Chew
New York March 14th 1757
Dear Sir
I arrived here from New London a few days agoe and hearing you was at Philadelphia trouble you with this, and Capt. Mercer with the inclosed. I hope and Flater my Self my Lord Loudoun will Concert such Plans as will Effectually Secure our Frontiers and distress the Enemy, and that he will do that for you which you have so justly merrited and let your Command be Equal to your deserts. I am sure I can with truth say I know of none who has done so much for their Country, and been so little noticed and as yet so Poorly Rewarded—however hope soon to hear it is done to your Satisfaction—our New England Herowism seems to be mostly at an End.
I have a Brother who has acted as under Commissry for Mr Walker at Winchester he is young and I hope of a good Disposition. I trouble you with the inclosed for him and Pray the favour of you to show him any Countenance his Situation may admit of; and give him on my Accot any Friendly advice you think Proper. I hope he himself will be greatfull, and I assure you I Shall Ever be so, indeed I make no doubt but you will Receive a satisfaction in showing Favour to a Poor youth whose Fathers bad œconomy has turn’d into the world to shift for himself, but this subject would be only troubling you with Mallencholly Scenes you have no Connection with.1
I am now at Mr Robinsons, he Mrs Robinson and his Dear Little Family are all well they desire their Compliments to you.
Pretty Miss Polly is in the same Condition & situation as you saw her2—my best Respects to Capt. Mercer & Stuart accept the same and my most sencere wishes for your welfare and happiness and be assured that I am Dear Sir Your most Obedt Servt
Jos. Chew
Joseph Chew, a merchant in New London, Conn., and a native of Virginia, corresponded with GW fairly frequently during these years.
1. Colby Chew was associated with Thomas Walker as early as 1750 when Walker led his expedition into the Kentucky territory. GW made Colby Chew an ensign in the Virginia Regiment in October 1757.
2. GW stayed with Beverley Robinson and his family in New York on his journey to and from Boston to see William Shirley early in 1756. It was then that GW paid some attention to “Pretty Miss Polly” (Mary Eliza Philipse, 1730–1825).