James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Bernard Peyton, 10 March 1827

To Bernard Peyton

Montpr. Mar 10. 1827

Dr Sir

I have recd. yours of the 4th.1 inclosing a note for my filling up & signing. On the strength of your kind promise, & your confidence in the favorable disposition of the Bank I have availed myself of your hint, and enlarged the sum in it to $2200, which will meet (and a trifle over probably) two engagts., one an accepted draft for $1320 negociable at the Farmer’s B in Fredg: but due to the U.S. Bank at Phila. where it was cashed; the other a like draft due to John Jacob Astor of N.Y. without I believe, any mention of negociable place, both drafts payable on the 1st. of April approaching. I hope you will be able to make the two remittances within the due time.

I have stated the draft held by the B. of U.S. at $1320. but it may be a very few dollars more or less. At the date of my last I was not aware of the indulgence due on the note to Mr. Peters. You will see by his letter inclosed,2 that it extends to four months from the 1st. of april. The letter will of course suspend the collecting notice of the Bank at Richd. and give me a chance of gathering some payments of which I have re-iterated assurances. With great esteem

J. M.

Turn over

  days after date, for value recd: I promise to pay to the order of   dollars /100 without offset, negociable & payable at the Office of Discount & Deposit of the Bank of the U.S. at Richmond.3

Draft (DLC).

1Letter not found.

2Enclosure not found.

3Blanks left in draft.

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