Benjamin Franklin Papers

Authorization to William Frizzel to Carry Mail, 10 March 1757

Authorization to William Frizzel to Carry Mail

ADS: Princeton University Library

General Post-Office, Philada. March 10. 1757.

I do hereby permit William Frizzel, to carry and deliver Letters between Philadelphia and Lancaster, and to receive the usual Postage for his own Use, till a regular Post shall be established for that Stage.5

B Franklin, Postmaster General

Endorsed: Benjn. Franklin’s Comission to of [sic] Wm Frizzle to ride Post 1757

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5William Frizel (sic) announced in Pa. Gaz., Aug. 24, 1758, that after riding stage to Lancaster “for upwards of two years,” he was giving it up, and requested those who owed him for the carriage of newspapers, etc., to pay his successor, Ludwick Byerly.

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