James Madison Papers

From James Madison to John Tayloe Lomax, 10 March 1827

To John Tayloe Lomax

Montpr Mar. 10, 1827

Dear Sir

I have recd. yours of the 5th. instant. Considering the Law publications you point out as very proper for the Library of the University & that they can be procured out of a part of the appropriation, not needed for the periodicals, I join Genl. Cocke in his opinion on the subject; with a reliance however on the retrospective sanction of the Visitors if deemed necessary, as much as on the claim of such works to the technical name of periodicals.

The case of the Books bequeathed by Mr. Jefferson is less open to free interpretation, since it will affect the private claims of his two Grandsons in law. I more than doubt, whether a republication of the identical text cd. be deemed another Edition, and not a duplicate in the intention of the Testator. It may be best therefore to leave the doubtful books unclaimed at least for the present. The others wch I presume to be the chief part may at once be recd into the Library. The faculty can name if necessary some one to join in separa[t]ing the 2 classes.

I am sorry on every account for the decrease in the number of Students. The change in their deportment happily more than makes amends for it; as this can not fail to attract an increase. It is quite probable that a return of many of the late Students will take place as soon as pecuniary obstacles to it may be removed. With cordial esteem


Draft (DLC).

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