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Results 2371-2420 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Copy, MS minutes: Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania Recollecting Coll. Ludwell’s...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank you for the Intelligence from Fort Allen, relating...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1756–1757 (Philadelphia,...
I had the honor to receive your letter from Fort Loudoun with one Inclosed to Lord Loudoun who...
[ March-April 1757 ]. The text of this letter is printed as Document III of “The Capitulation of...
Letter not found: to William Fairfax, 2 Mar. 1757. On 22 Mar. 1757 Fairfax wrote to GW : “I rec’d...
ALS : Huntington Library I thank your Lordship for the Information you have been pleas’d to...
MS not found; reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and...
ADS : Princeton University Library I do hereby permit William Frizzel, to carry and deliver...
We may I think with great Propriety and Justice represent. That—The Virginia Regiment was the...
2381A Testimonial, 11 March 1757 (Franklin Papers)
Printed in John Gordon’s Mathematical Traverse Table, &c . Printed in the Year 1758, and Sold by...
I arrived here from New London a few days agoe and hearing you was at Philadelphia trouble you...
About 10 Daies agoe, there came to my House twenty Six Indians of the Cawtaba Nation, with two...
AD : Huntington Library When news that Lord Loudoun intended to hold a council of war in...
I rec’d your Favor from Philadelphia dated the 2d inst. since which finding the Governor likely...
DS : Yale University Library Till the New Money to be struck by the One hundred Thousand Pound...
To His Excellency, The Right Honorable John Earl of Loudoun, General, and Commander in Chief, of...
ALS : Nantucket Atheneum I inclose you some of the Grain called Whisk Corn, or Broom Corn. It...
I. MS not found; reprinted from Pennsylvania History , VI (1939), 15; II. ADS : Yale University...
I Recd yours Janry 1st wherein you was pleased to Signifie that I had not proceeded in a Regular...
as I have not bin Troublesom to you with Cilicitations on Acct of my Brothers prefermt make free...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Per Week Col. 20 s . Pay to Lieut. Lewis Ourry, or...
MS record book: American Philosophical Society [March 30, 1757] When Franklin was preparing to...
MS account papers: American Philosophical Society In addition to the Philadelphia Post Office...
ADS : Friends Library of the Society of Friends, London; also copy: Historical Society of...
MS (fragment): American Philosophical Society On March 1, 1757, the Assembly named the same...
Yesterday by the Return of Capt. Ouchterlony I had the Pleasure to enquire of Him concerning your...
2398Account of Expenses, 1757–1762 (Franklin Papers)
MS account book: American Philosophical Society “Account of Expences of my Voyage to England...
I make bold to address you & require your Permission to leave the Virginia Regiment, as likewise...
In Case Mr Hamilton should, according to his Desire, be remov’d to any other Station than that he...
I have had an opportunity of knowing Mr Kenndy perfectly well, and always found him diligent and...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The enclos’d Account was settled by the late...
A letter which I received from Capt. Mercer, upon my return to Alexandria, informs me, that 95...
2404Memorandum Book, 1757–1776 (Franklin Papers)
MS account book: American Philosophical Society [April 3, 1757] Before leaving for England...
ADS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania List of Bills of Exchange Sterling Scot & McMichael...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I now appoint you Postmaster of Philadelphia, during our...
Printed form with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society Know all Men by these...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The interfering in those Weighty matters you...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania As I am sensible thou art well acquainted with Benja....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Franklin and his son left Philadelphia on Monday, April 4,...
I hope by the Time this reaches Your Hands that Govr Sharpe has relieved Fort Cumberland by...
Letterbook copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania The Clerk calls upon me to sign the Indian...
ALS : Morristown National Historical Park At this time William Franklin appears to have been...
I recd Yours of the 2d last Night & must refer You to mine of the 5th which I sent You by...
I have no Instruction at this time by which I Can act. I have Been at Wmsburg Latly as the...
ALS : Yale University Library I received the Exemplifications of the Royal Grant, Charter and...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Your Absence when the Business was to be done for Mr....
Draft: American Philosophical Society I thank you for the Letter you have favour’d me with to...
Draft: American Philosophical Society I am here waiting the Departure of the Pacquet in which I...
Copy: Yale University Library; also draft (incomplete): American Philosophical Society It is a...