James Madison Papers

From James Madison to John Hartwell Cocke, 18 March 1827

To John Hartwell Cocke

Montpelleir March 18th. 1827.

Dear Sir

I have recd. from Mr Key the tender of his resignation as authorized by the resolution of the Board of Visitors. He is very desirous at the same time that it may not take effect till the middle of August, which will not only give him the opportunity of being present at the examination of the students, but free him from the expence of waiting for a London Packet from N. York or of going by land with his family from Liverpool. This alternative it seems is produced by the periods at which the Packets respectively sail. As the 4th. of July was changed to the 20th. after the communication was made to him, and there is a propriety in his being present at the Examination, the indulgence he wishes as far as it extends to the close of the Session, seems unobjectionable and as the further indulgence to the middle of August will not swell the cost to more than half a quarter’s Salary, it may be overbalenced by the desire that he may leave us with the best feelings, and by the advantage of cherishing a confidence in our liberal dispositions in a quarter where we may be obliged to seek occasional supplies for our vacant professorships. My answer to him does not entirely commit the Board. But if you concur in my veiw of the subject, it may be well to favor his expectations, as his preparatory arrangements may be influenced by them.

The question now is how we shall fill the vacated Chair. I shall take the liberty of writing to Mr. Gallatin, and requesting him to aid us with his enquiries, and let us know as soon as possible whether we can rely on a good successor to Mr Key from G. Britain. Let me ask of you to take occasion to gather any information on the subject which the English professors at the University may be able to give. I know of no qualified natives who are attainable. The only foreigners among us who occur for consideration, are Mr. Hassler and the State Enginaer. Both of them are I presume sceintifically qualified, but how far possessing the other fitnesses I cannot judge. I have heared of a Mr. Nuttal,1 as being well spoken of as a man of science; he also may be a proper object for enquiry & consideration.

We must all turn our thoughts to the subject, and collect & interchange whatever information we may obtain, that can prepare us for a decision at our next meeting, or even sooner, if it be found that we can sooner unite in a choice.

It appears that the Board is authorised to borrow as far as $25,000, I have not yet seen the law. If any thing can be done without a meeting of the Visitors I rely on the Burser with your sanction, to prepare and forward whatever may require mine.

Our Colleagues who were together at Richmond protest I find agst. a called Board, to which I presume Mr Monroe, to say nothing of yourself is as averse as I am. With great esteem & regard

James Madison


Extract of a letter from Mr. Coolidge to Mr Trist

“Walker,2 who was mentioned from Cambridge as a fit person for the vacant Professorship, has been provisionally engaged, at a handsome salary, as teacher at Round Hill, Northampton. He tells me that his brother (now in Phila) writes that Patterson3 has declined the offer of the situation in Charlottesville, and advises him, Walker, to make application for it. He begs me to ask of you, confidentially, what his chance is, and whether you recommend him to offer for the newly created post to which he feels himself, and is thought by Mr. Farrar,4 more competent than for the first. He is young, ardent, ambitious, used to government, and would work day and night, and has applied himself to these studies entirely, the last two years; and, in good measure to the practical parts, such as lecturing about application of steam; and I beleive rail roads &c &c.”

RC and enclosure (ViU: Special Collections, Madison Papers); draft (DLC). RC and enclosure in Dolley Madison’s hand except for JM’s address, complimentary close and signature, and header of enclosure; docketed by Cocke: “recd. 23d. March ansd. 2 April.”

1Nicholas P. Trist interlined “Nulty” here.

2Timothy Walker (1802–56), an 1826 graduate of Harvard College, taught mathematics at the Round Hill School in Northampton, Massachusetts, 1826–29. He went on to become a lawyer and jurist in Cincinnati, Ohio, and cofounded the Cincinnati Law School (Walter Theodore Hitchcock, Timothy Walker: Antebellum Lawyer [New York, 1990], 1, 5–7, 14, 19, 42–43, 56, 63, 66, 136, 141–42, 233).

3Robert Maskell Patterson (1787–1854), an 1804 graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, was a physician and professor of natural philosophy there, 1813–28. He held the chair of natural philosophy at the University of Virginia from 1828 to 1835, when he returned to Philadelphia to become the director of the U.S. Mint, 1835–51. Patterson was president of the American Philosophical Society from 1849 until his death (Looney et al., Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, 7:113 n.).

4John Farrar (1779–1853) of Lincoln, Massachusetts, an 1803 B.A. and 1806 M.A. graduate of Harvard College, was appointed Harvard’s Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in 1807 and held that position until he resigned in 1836 due to ill health. Farrar was elected a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1808 and served as its recording secretary, 1811–23, and vice president, 1829–31. He wrote articles and monographs on meteorology and astronomy and translated many French scientific works on these subjects as well as on mathematics, optics, and electricity.

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