George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Robert Dinwiddie, 2 February 1757

From Robert Dinwiddie

Williamsbg Feby 2d 1757


I detain’d Jenkins here till my Express arrived from Ld Loudoun.

His Lordship has desired all the So[uth]ern Governors to meet him at Philada the 17th of this Month, to consult what is proper to be done in these Parts;1 as this appears to me the Design of their Meeting I cannot conceive what Service You can be of in going there, as the Plan concerted will in course be communicated to You & the other Officers; however as You seem so earnest to go I now give You Leave,2 & desire You will give proper Orders at Forts Cumberland & Loudoun, that the Works may be duly carried on in Yr absence.

I am in a Hurry providing for my Departure. I am Sir Your humble Servant

Robt Dinwiddie

LS, DLC:GW. There is no letter-book copy of this letter in the Dinwiddie Papers, ViHi, and the letter is not in the hand of Dinwiddie’s clerk, William Withers, as are nearly all of Dinwiddie’s other letters to GW.

1On 29 Jan. 1757 Dinwiddie wrote Loudoun: “Last night the Express Julius kirk arriv’d here, & brought me yr Ldps Lettre of the 8th desiring me to wait on yr Ldp the 17th at Philadelphia.”

2As recently as 19 Dec. 1756 GW had written Dinwiddie to remind him that he had given his permission for GW to see Loudoun upon his expected arrival in Virginia.

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