George Washington Papers

To George Washington from John Bondfield, 1 August 1782

Bordeaux 1 Aug. 1782


Having a Vessel going to Philadelphia which is an occurence rare with us I have orderd Six Cases of Claret containing thirty Bottles each to be marked for your Excellency on a presumption that Good genuine Wine of this growth will meet a welcome reception. I write Messieurs Meredith & Clymer to whom the Vessel goes consigned to hold the same at your disposal and have transmitted them a memorandum of the Cost and Charges, amounting to Six hundred Twenty One Livres.

Accept most worthy Sir my most Ardent Wishes for your Health. I have the Honor to be with due Respect Sir Your most Obedient Humble Servant

John Bondfield

Commercial Agent at Bordeaux

6 Cases Medoc Wine 30 bottles each
together 180 bottles 36s. 324
freight paid 18 per case 108
Insurance on £630 30 per % 189
3 Livres 9 sous or 3/ [   ] a bottle £621

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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