Adams Papers

From John Adams to Susanna Boylston Adams Clark Treadway, 8 January 1819

Quincy Jan 8th 1819

My dear Child

Your letter of the 25th of December has given me new life You know not how much I have suffered from your long and total silence

If you have not christened my dear little GGD by the name of Susanna Maria I shall be disappointed and greived I cannot bear Susan Maria Susan! It is worse than Sukey or Sue Susanna Maria sounds melodiously in my ear

In this horrid blot see another proof of the infirmity of your Grandfathers eyes and hands. I hope you have seen your Uncle and Aunt but have a care of too much intercourse with Washington

My respectful compliments to the Reverend Mr Adisson to Mrs French and Miss Maria

Your husband and you I consider as one who has the best wishes and sincerest prayers of your affectionate Grand Father

John Adams

MHi: Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.

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