Benjamin Franklin Papers

John Bondfield to the American Commissioners: Letter and résumé, 25 April 1778

John Bondfield to the American Commissioners: Two Letters4

(I) and (II) ALS: Massachusetts Historical Society


<Bordeaux, April 25, 1778: The mainmast of the Boston has been condemned and will be promptly replaced. The Captain requires an iron hearth for cooking; the stone one he had is broken. I hope you will approve.>


Bordeaux 25 April 1778

Honored Sirs

Per mine of this date you would be advised of our proceedings tutching the Boston. Captain Le Mair desireing I would second the many other introductions he has to your Honors5 I take the Liberty to give him the present which the high opinion entertaind by Governor Henry exprest in his Orders makes not nessessary having from that Gentleman his utmost protection. I have the honor to be most respectfully Your Honors Most Obedient Servant

John Bondfield

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4The first is published in Taylor, Adams Papers, VI, 55.

5Among them, presumably, were two from Patrick Henry, to BF above of March 3 and to Adams, of the 5th: ibid., V, 408–9. On April 26 Couturier de Versan, a Bordeaux merchant, wrote BF to offer his services in expediting Le Maire’s mission in every way possible. APS.

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