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Results 23551-23600 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, September 12, 1778: I have received offers from every forge from Angoulême to Bayonne for the cannon you commission me to purchase. None will promise to complete delivery before February and the arsenals cannot loan any. Thus I have decided to contract with the forges of Petigore [Périgord]. No ships have arrived from America the last three days...
Tho I write by this Post to the Commissioners I cannot Omit paying my perticular respects to you signifying my hopes of your Safe Arrival and that all publick Matters are so favorably situated as your most Sanguin wishes could expect to meet them. Four Vessels having drop down the River on their way to the United States I have given advise by them to the secret Committee of Congress of your...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 10, 1778: Capt. Tucker hopes to start careening his ship next week and be finished by Easter. He has instructed the ship’s officers to make returns of the stores wanted. The local officers of the farmers general have ordered him to land and declare the tobacco brought by the Boston . I refused to comply, and they agreed to await further...
I took the liberty to draw on your honors as the most assured means to obtain a certainty of my letters in course getting to your hands. I am much obliged for the punctual honor you have paid to my drafts. I have to ask your excuse for not more particularly explaining the cause of the price of fresh Beef. The Pound of that article at Bordeaux is forty Ounces, during Lent which reignd all the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, June 6, 1778: Since Captain Tucker left I have had to settle additional charges, of which I enclose details. The conspiracy has been diligently investigated by the intendant, but nothing can be proved. > Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 185–6. He left Bordeaux on May 17 and put to sea on June 6: ibid. , p. 109 n. He is referring back to a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The important and decicive success’s Obtaind over the Enemy permits me to pay you my respectful Compliments of Congratulation. It will be difficult for the Americans to express greater sensibility than all Ranks at this City on the receipt of the advice proccured. The Sensation has not yet subsided a delirium appears to Agitate the whole Mass. Illuminations...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, July 7, 1778: The Sally , which arrived here yesterday from Edenton, reports that the fourth regiment of Col. Maitland’s expedition has been captured and that several ships, among them the Roderigue with a cargo of great value, have arrived in the Chesapeake. Consorting here with agents and consuls of European states shows me the advantages that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Bory nephew to Mr Beaujon at Paris whose conections are in the most respectable line in this province and whose friendship on many occations I have had oppertunity since in the Publick Service perticularly to experience and is at this day Capitally embarkt in conections wth. the United States permit me to Introduce to your Civilities. Since my last of...
Since mine of the 5. August I am honor’d with your favor of the 8th. I receiv’d yesterday eighteen Cases Arms from the Manufactory Royal de Tulle No. 69 a 86 which with the other eighteen Cases are lodged in a dry Store waiting permission for their Exportation, which so soon as obtain’d please to transmit to me. Vessels with Tobacco for the Contract arrive frequently. They are the only ships...
Bordeaux, 23 May 1789 . Eight vessels have arrived from America within “these few Days”: 3 from Georgia and Carolina with rice, tobacco, and skins; 2 from Virginia with tobacco and flour; and 3 from Maryland with wheat, flour, and tobacco. Wheat and flour much wanted. More cargoes daily expected. Want of shipping will retard them, “but these supplies will serve to prevent appearances too well...
Upon Mature deliberation and the advise of Experienc’d Officers at this Port Captain Tucker has alter’d his resolution of laying the Ship a Ground, as there are proper Conveniences to heave down large Ships he has brought his Ship up to the Hulks and getting all ready to have her hove down next Week which he and the Carpenter tels me will take eight Days. I therefore hope we shall get her out...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, January 23, 1779: While visiting you on January 9, I inquired about the convoy we requested. I must also request passes by return post for four of our vessels, the Molly , the Chasseur , the Governor Livingston , and the Mary Fearon , all the property of James Price, William Haywood, and John Bondfield. Letters from Cadiz report the capture of an...
The great and Urgent wants of this Nation, occation’d by the faileur of the two last Crops of wheat, creates dreadful Alarms, to this add the low State of the finnances, occation’d by the Great Revolution effecting; for the two last six months few have paid the Usual Tax’s, that the Treasury is exhausted, this forces the National Assembly to extraordinary exertions, to avert the ill...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, November 21, 1778: The Inspector of Artillery visited the port yesterday to inspect M. Bertin’s cannon. On the basis of appearance alone, their quality seems good, but this must be confirmed by testing. I herewith enclose a list indicating their specifications. Other cannon belonging to the same company made from the same mold can be procured...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I pray you to excuse the trouble I give you which is indispensable in the line of your Ministry. I have inclosed you the form of the Passports you Granted us, any alterations you may judge proper to incert in Virtue of changes since that period please to make or any other form which may have been addopted in like Cases. I hope to have frequent occation to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, August 29, 1778: I have received your letter of the 19th commissioning the purchase of 56 pieces of cannon. I suspect it will be November before I can collect them. I presume they are for naval use; let me know where to send them. I am without instructions for the General Arnold ; the delays cause very heavy expenses which are charged to me....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honor to write you the Twentieth of last Month requesting a passport for my Brig the York Town which I flatterd myself to receive in Course and delay’d writing you the two posts past in hopes of its coming to hand. Apprehending my Letter may have got mislaid I request the favor that you will please to order the said passport or such other...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having a small Sloop call’d the Mongomery Robt. Willis master, that I propose to send back to America Arm’d, not having a Commission for her which I apprehend lays in your power to grant, I take the Liberty to make application to you for One. I propose her to mount Six four pounders to carry thirty Men and otherways properly equipt. I am not determin’d if I...
I had the Honor to write you the 13.13 and 14th Instant. Mr. Emery receiv’d letters from Capt. Cunningham at Corrunha advising their Arrival at that Port from Cadiz having made four Prizes in the Passage. We have it reported the Boston fell in with two privateers, one of eighteen Guns she took, the other got off. I cannot trace it so as give implicite faith. The Jersey Privateers stil continue...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since the Letter I had the Honor to write you the 17th Inst. the Liberty Captain Reed arriv’d at this Port from Edenton which place he left the 7 July. He brings no confirmation of the French Fleets arrival such report prevaild but gives it only as french report. As per my last the Cutter General Arnold is all ready and attends the arrival of your...
Bordeaux, 12 Oct. 1787. Finds the return made by the farmers-general, enclosed in TJ’s letter of 5 Oct. , accurate; the register of the farmers does not indicate the nationality of the ships in which tobacco was imported so he cannot ascertain how much came in French or American ships, only that “the whole has been brought from America”; the “Tare is taken net the Hogsheds being stript as...
There are Cases werein Spite of all Opossion means permiting forces our restrictions. The Number of Unfortunate American Seamen in this City drove to dispair by the want of every Necessary calls for publick assistance. The Number of Shipwrecks that have lately happend has sent great numbers of distrest men to apply for relief. A State of Bankruptcy in Trade is not more horid than the Crys of a...
Having concluded with Mr. Schweighauser for the publick freight the two Ships are ready and will proceed the begining of Next Week for Penbeuf. We have apply’d for a Convoy for the Ships which we have room to flatter ourselves will be granted and will thereby secure their passage from hence to the Loire, as there will be no delay at Nantes in the Loading all being ready both to Ship and Load...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <La Rochelle, November 12, 1778: I concluded agreements with Mr. Schweighauser for the public freight of the two ships [the Governor Livingston and the Chasseur ] which will proceed to Paimboeuf next week. We, like the merchants of Nantes, have applied for a convoy. These two ships will be very valuable; an application from you should insure the convoy. We...
Messrs. Palmes Livingston and Heywood arrived here the 25th by whom I was favor’d with the Letter you honor’d me with under date 15th Instant. In consiquence of your Instructions I have received from Captain Tucker an Indent for the provission the respective officers will attend the examination tomorrow to inspect the quality which with the other articles required I shall endeavour to expedite...
Arrived this morning a Brig from Philadelphia. By her are Letters for Mr. De Vergenne and Le Ray de Chaumont. No mention of the Operations in Carolina our Letters are 24 Mars she was detaind many days in the River as she left the Bay of Delawar the 23 or 24 April. Congress has assignd a short period for calling in the whole of their Emissions in lieu of which the different States are to Issue...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We have advices from Edenton in No. Carolina so late as the 14th March brought by a Vessel arrived at this port the 9th. One of my Letters contains “It is reported an Attack against Charles Town is preparing by General Green 2000 Militia of this State are orderd imediately to join him and all the Troops from Virginia have marchd up”— The Captain informs me...
Bordeaux, 2 May 1789 . The ship Le Couteulx , 32 days from Norfolk with 875 hhds. tobacco, brought the enclosed. “She left the Capes the 26 March.” He gave to Short a packet of newspapers addressed to TJ: Short says they “are of old date say 9bre. or Decembre.” They hope for arrivals of wheat and flour from America: “They retard and the wants are Urgent.” American advices say “wheat is very...
I receivd in due Course the honor of your favor of the 20th. May. I have this day given my draft on you favor of M. Parmentier for ?590.8 amount of my advances to which request you will give due honor. A Ship from Alexandria in Virginia arived at this port the 20th. Inst. By the papers up to the 6th. may it appears the back Country is settling very fast. The Crops in Virginia are Reported very...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honord with your favor 15th I have given Notice to the Merchants equiping the Marquis de la Fayette that I have receivd your orders to ship 56 pieces Cannon I have laying in the arsenal belonging to Congress which at their first requission shall be shipt— I write you from my Bed where I have been confind upwards of a month by a violent fever so soon as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The last Post I had the Honor to advise you of the Arrival of the Honble. John Adams Esq. Since his absence we are diligently employ’d in getting ready the Ship. She goes on the waies to day and will be finisht Friday or Saturday. The Captain and Carpenters assure me there is no risk on her taking the Ground to Carreen otherways should have objected. I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honor the 4 Instant to write you and to request you would favor me with a Commission for the Brig Sally Capt James Tucker which I flatterd myself to have receiv’d in Course of Post and as the Armament is greatly advanct and will soon be ready to proceed on her intended Voyage I take the liberty to renew my Application praying you will please to...
Permit me to congratulate you on the progress which the vigorous resolves of the province of Frise informs us is taking to a publick acknowledgement of the american Independance as also of the late resolves of the British parlement. The Neutral Consuls at this Port construe the late Acts to a licence to their flag to transport Goods to the United States under the privalidge and restrictions...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 18, 1778: The comte de Fumel informed me yesterday that M. de Sartine instructed him to give American warships the honors due to those of foreign states. The careening of the Boston will be finished this evening.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 38.
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, June 23, 1778: Our only news is the official reception of the Marquis d’Almadovar. He leaves tomorrow for six days in Paris, and is not expected to reside long in London. No word of the Boston .> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 232. Almodóvar, the new Spanish ambassador to St. James’s, was charged with discovering what Britain would...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By Letters this instant from La Rochelle I am advised of a Vessel with Six hundred Hhds Tobacco on board supposed a State Vessel is arrived in the Road of that Port none of the Ships Company being landed at the departure of the Post they could not give me any particulars. I am respectfully Sirs Your most Obedient Humble Servant Addressed: The Honble Benj...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, August 17 [ i.e. , 16] , 1778: Captain Ayres’s poor health probably precludes his return voyage with your dispatches. Instruct me concerning his successor. Ships like his could transport goods to America quickly; if financial considerations permit, I could execute a partial order. I do not wish to seem presumptuous but I am herewith submitting a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By advices yesterday from Bilboa a vessel arrived at that port from Salem which place he left the 8 May. The Frigates the Queen of France, the Warren and the Ranger on a Cruize fell in with a small fleet of Transports from New York bound to Georgia, took eight of them loaden with Arms Amunition Artillery & Stores with many Officers on board and sent them...
Bordeaux, 13 Aug. 1787 . Introduces “Mr. Lennox,” of Charleston, S.C., who has been in Bordeaux, is now proceeding to Paris, and is an American travelling as a private citizen with a view to enlarging his commercial connections. RC ( DLC ); 2 p.; endorsed. Recorded in SJL as received 12 Sep. 1787, “by Lenox.”
I am honord with your favor of the 22 february ulto. inclosing a Letter for President Pichard which I have forwarded to him at Liburn, the residence of our Parliament. The last post brought me a Letter from Mons. Lambert de frontignan advising his having forwarded to my care two Cases of his Wine for Mons. Le Cte. de Moustier at N. York. To avoid troubling Mess. Elie Lefebre at Rouen I address...
(I) and (II) ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 25, 1778: The mainmast of the Boston has been condemned and will be promptly replaced. The Captain requires an iron hearth for cooking; the stone one he had is broken. I hope you will approve.> Per mine of this date you would be advised of our proceedings tutching the Boston. Captain Le Mair desireing I would second the many...
Bordeaux, 14 April 1778. RC ( PPAmP : Franklin Papers). Bondfield, still unaware that JA was at Paris, gave general shipping information, noted Capt. Tucker’s exertions to prepare the Boston for sea, and commented on the stagnation of Franco-American trade that would continue “until War is declared or Peace is establish’d.” RC ( PPAmP : Franklin Papers).
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Motives for inclosing you the Anext detail of conections wherein I have and am embarked springs from the apprehendtion I am under of falling a Sacrefice with many others in the Crush of the times relying on timely returns engaged my extending my concerns further than the Capital we have in Europe will answer. I find myself in a Situation the most...
Having a Vessel going to Philadelphia which is an occurence rare with us I have orderd Six Cases of Claret containing thirty Bottles each to be marked for your Excellency on a presumption that Good genuine Wine of this growth will meet a welcome reception. I write Messieurs Meredith & Clymer to whom the Vessel goes consigned to hold the same at your disposal and have transmitted them a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, December 5, 1778: A brig owned in La Rochelle arrived here December 2, having left Boston November 4 and having sailed thirty-six hours with Admiral d’Estaing. Rumor had it that the fleet was to attack Halifax. Another vessel equipped by Chaumont’s friend, Decater, arrived at Auray, having sailed with the admiral until November 7 when she...
I had the Honor to pay my respects to you the 1st. Instant since which am without any of your Commands. The Convoy for the French Islands left this yesterday and with them three small Cutters for the States of America. We have a Vessel from Edenton arrived at Bayonne sail’d in October of course no News only Tobacco is at ten pounds that Currency the hundred weight by which the Traders in...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania As every plan for publick use ought to be laid down in the most simple and uncomplicated State, the following I presume will justify the Ideas of that I had yesterday the Honor to lay before you. A plan for sinking the paper money and Loan office Certificates without remaining a Debt to the publick or a private Loss. All the paper money and Loan Office...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honor’d with your favor of the 26th Inst. and am truely sensible of your friendly Goodwill which you so obligingly Express in answer to my representation which forecast made me judge incumbent, from dread of events. I am happy to advise you that the Arrival of the General Mercer loaden with Tobacco to my address will effectualy prevent any checks to my...
Since my last of the 26th I an honord with your favor of the 19th. Commissioning the emediate purchase of fifty six pieces of Cannon say Twenty eight 24 pounders and Twenty eight eighteen pounders. From the search I have already made I suspect it will be November before they can be all colected. I propose going to the Forges next week on that Account. I shall take every precaution both with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society By Monsieur Le Norman who left this yesterday I had the Honor to advise you of the ill State of Health of Cap. Ayres and of my apprehendtion of his incapacity to proceed. I am more confirmd in my doubts his Physicians assuring me it will be imposible for him to resist the sharpness of the Air and the fatigue of the Passage, and of which he appears himself...