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Results 23521-23530 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have received the letter you did me the honor to write me on the 20 Oct and have communicated its melancholly contents to the mother and other relations of the deceased Mr. William Smith. They all sympathize with you in your affliction.—I know nothing of Mr Smiths affairs and I cannot learn that any of his relations are better acquainted with them. They desire that their respects may be...
agreeable to your Commands, I have with attention perused the proposals for procureing Horses and Sadles for the Cavalry—as you was pleased to desire that I woud give you my Sentiments thereon, I must beg leave to tell you, that I totally disapprove of the measure it is arbitrary and cannot be attended with the Success expected from it—the mode proposd for putting it in execution must...
I received your Letters written in the Steam Boat, and that from Philadelphia—The immediate decision of Dr Physick upon the case of your brother, is doubtless the best thing that could have happened, and I hope the operation when effected, will not be so severe as you apprehend—I believe it is usually considered as safe, when skilfully performed, and have known several cases in which it was...
Your much respected Favor of the 21st. Augt. reached me yesterday. Permit me, Sir, to embrace this unlooked for Opportunity of assuring you that one of the most ardent Wishes of my Heart has been realized in seeing a republican Administration established in The United States under your Auspices and that I largely participated that heart-felt Satisfaction, which pervaded a Majority of the...
April the 2 d: and the anniversary of the birth of my dear Grandson whom I am half distracted to see again, with all his pretty, winning pranks. God bless and preserve the dear boy and grant us all, a happy meeting on the other side the great water. We left London on Sunday about two o clock, and arrived here on Monday evening, having made a very good exchange of the Bath Hotel for the...
23526[May 18. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
May 18. 1778. We wrote the following Circular Letter to all the Seaports. Certain Intelligence having been received, that Eleven British Ships of War, vizt. one of 90 Guns, nine of 74 and one of sixty four Guns, are in the road of St. Hellens near Portsmouth, bound for North America, and the United States being in Allyance with France, you are requested as speedily as possible to convey this...
The last papers compleated the view proposed to be taken of the arguments in support of the new and aspiring doctrine, which ascribes to the executive the prerogative of judging and deciding whether there be causes of war or not, in the obligations of treaties; notwithstanding the express provision in the constitution, by which the legislature is made the organ of the national will, on...
This day se’night a letter for you covering Bank Notes for 150 Dollars was lodged in the hands of Mr Watson. Since (that is on Saturday last) I received your favor of the 27th ulto enclosing the cost of four Matrasses £49.10.2—a price which exceeds anything I had the most distant idea of; in a word it is an errant imposition of the workman—and therefore I hope Colo. Biddle will enquire into...
Taking for granted that before the arrival of the vessel by which this goes, Mr. Short will have left the Hague on a temporary mission to Madrid, I have taken the liberty of addressing to you a packet of plans of the city of Washington on the Potomak, with a desire that they may be exhibited (not for sale) but in such shops, houses, or other places, where they may be most seen by those...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received the Propositions you did me the Honour to address to me by the hand of Mr Wild. There is no doubt but that a Body of sober, industrious & ingenious Artisans, Men of honest and religious Principles, such as you and your Friends are describ’d to be, would be a valuable Acquisition to any Country; and I am certain you would meet with a kind &...