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Results 23521-23530 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I had Desired Doct r : Jones to Speak to You and some other Gent n . of the Council of Safety Concerning a Report I had heard, that I with some other Gent n . ^ now at Lodgings ^ was to be Confined on bord a Vessel, the Doct r Told me Yesterday that You was so kind as to Propose to Call to See me on that Account; But this Moment the Sherriff Sent a Man to inform M r Cumming and Myself to hold...
Your Excellency will receive this by Capt. Lieut. Randal of Genl Knox’s Regiment of Artillery who goes out on Exchange and can inform you of the state of the Prisoners on this Island. at the same time they bear their misfortune with proper Spirit & Magninimity we are surprized & concerned that not the least publick Provision has yet been sent in for our support. we are well informed that many...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mme. Le Roy dated her letters even more rarely than her husband did his. Such letters, when they have no internal clues, could have been written at any time during the pair’s long friendship with Franklin. Most of them are of little consequence, but this one shows that Madame was quick to take offense and, when roused, had no inhibition about berating even...
I designd to have wrote you by the last Post, but have been so unwell for the week past that I have not been able. We have had very Hot weather which you know never agrees well with me, and greatly distresses me under my present circumstances. I loose my rest a nights, which makes me more unable to bear the Heat of the day. I look forward to the middle of july with more anxiety than I can...
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 1, 1777. Discusses arrival of Du Coudray. Approves of removal of military stores. LS , in writing of H, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston. Philippe Charles Jean Baptiste Tronson du Coudray. By an agreement with Silas Deane, Du Coudray was to receive the rank of major general. Although Congress rejected this agreement, he did receive this rank in August, 1777.
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 1, 1777. Orders all troops not needed for the Long Island expedition to Peekskill, New York. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Parsons was in New Haven, Connecticut, recruiting men for the Continental Army.
ALS : American Philosophical Society M. dubourg, m’a conselié de vous envoiér Monsieur, un mentau bleu exactement conforme au modelle que je m’etois proposé de vous presentér. Il n’y a de plus que les agréements qui sont en argent, qui doivent etre pour le soldat en fil, ainsi que les epauletes de la veste. L’officier est encore distingué par une echarpe qui scert a portér sabre ou epée et...
23528General Orders, 1 June 1777 (Washington Papers)
The General directs the following rules to be invariably observed throughout the army; and as he is apprehensive they will meet with great obstacles, in the carelessness, and indolence of some officers; he thinks it necessary to declare, that he will not overlook any neglect, or breach of them, that shall come to his knowledge. Each regiment to be paraded at troop and at retreat beating—the...
I dont know what particular instructions you recd from Genl Green, but I must inform you that you are not only stationed at your present post to keep small parties of the Enemy from making excursions, but also to send out parties yourself to lay between Millstone and Brunswic and endeavour to make discovery of any Motions of the Enemy. If you find them move in such a manner as to induce you to...
I have your favour of the 19th May. General De Coudrée arrived here last night, and set off this morning for Philadelphia. What his engagements with Mr Dean are, I cannot say; but as he is represented to be a Gentleman of great ability in his profession, I dare say his expectations are high. Congress will undoubtedly make a genteel and honorable provision for him; but I hope it may be done, in...