George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Brigadier General Alexander McDougall, 31 May 1777

To Brigadier General Alexander McDougall

Head Qrs [Middlebrook] May 31st 1777.

Dr Sir

I last night received your favor of the 29th. Your Conjectures, respecting the Troops arrived, correspond with my own. I shall not be disappointed, if they are those, which were in Canada, having long thought, there was a probability of their coming to reinforce Genl Howe.

I am much surprized, that more of the Connecticut Troops, have not reached Pecks Kill. I have repeatedly & in most pressing Terms, urged their comeing, & by the Returns received long since, know their Number to be much more considerable, than what has come into service.

I have ordered the paymaster, to transmit a Hundred & Sixty Thousand Dollars to Pecks Kills, out of which, Doctor Foster will obtain a Supply for the Hospital.

I have nothing of importance to communicate and only to add, that I am Dr Sir with great esteem Yr Most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

LS, in Robert Hanson Harrison’s writing, CSmH; Varick transcript, DLC:GW. Harrison addressed the cover of the LS to “Brigr Genl McDougal at Pecks Kill,” and GW franked it.

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