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Results 23511-23520 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Yesterday, in the afternoon, was committed to the Tomb, the earthly remains of our dearly beloved and venerable Mother. She died about One oClock, PM, of Wednesday the 28th: ult: after an illness of three weeks and three days; but we did not think her case dangerous until the last week. but Her decline from this day week was very rapid, and she sunk into the arms of the great destroyer without...
The few first days after I came to Quincy namely 19th. 20th. & morning of 21st—She was very weak but we had hopes which did waver much till Dr Holbrook came on Thursday he then declared that 24 hours were very important—that if the Bark did not produce some addition to her strength she must fail very shortly after—she did gain some strength but was uniformly of opinion that she should not...
By a Letter from my Son John, I have this day been apprized, of that afflictive dispensation of Providence which has bereft you of the partner of your life; me of the tenderest and most affectionate of Mothers, and our species, of one whose existence was Virtue, and whose life was a perpetual demonstration of the moral excellence of which human nature is susceptible—How shall I offer you...
Your Letter of the 28th. of last Month, has this day brought me the most distressing intelligence that I ever received; yet my dear John, if there was any thing that could soften its bitterness, it was that it should first come from a beloved and affectionate hand—Such it was coming from yours, and I thank you, for the kind and filial attention with which you immediately communicated the...
Expecting constantly to hear from you my dear Harriet I have felt involuntarily inclined to procrastinate every effort to write on a subject which has filled all our hearts with the keenest sorrow—How can we sufficiently thank you for all your kind attention? My poor boys will have still to call on you for that kindness you have always chosen shewn them and which now will be doubly desirable...
It is not for me to complain that the private correspondence between you and me has ceased—for I find upon my files letters from you from N 27. Novr. 27. 1817 to N 32 May 19th 1818. the receipt of which I have not yet acknowledged—As for your letters, they went on brisk and punctual to N31. Feby 7—from which time commenced a hiatus to the 19th of May—on which day two letters filled with the...
Your sudden silence after the affectionate and unremitted attention you shewed during your dear Grandmothers illness and the total want of information since on the subject of the family in general has occasioned both your father and myself much uneasiness and we are counting the mails every day to meet fresh disappointment Your Fathers Messenger has just been and I flew down in the hope of...
The bitterness of Death is past. The grim Specter So terrible to human Nature has no Sting left for me. My consolations are more than I can number. The Separation cannot be So long as twenty Separations heretofore. The Pangs and the Anguish have not been So great as when you and I embarked for France in 1778. The Sympathy and Benevolence of all the World, has been Such as I Shall not live long...
In the death of Mrs. ADAMS, her friends and society lament no ordinary loss. The grave has closed over the mortal remains of one, whose character combined with as much practical wisdom and substantial virtue as have ever been possessed by any individual. Society is not adorned with a purer example; virtue had not a firmer prop; religion cannot number among its friends a more rational,...
I have received a few more returns from the war Department, of Certificates for pension. Among others, one for old Mr Amos Thayer and one for Mr Solomon Thayer; I saw Dr Wild—one of your Selectmen on Tuesday and informed him as to Mr: Amos Thayer. He promised to call and take the Certificate, and when he does, I wish to know what compensation I shall demand for your services, in taking his...