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Results 23511-23520 of 184,431 sorted by author
Bordeaux, 19 Apr. 1788 . Acknowledges TJ’s letters of 22 Feb. and 3 Mch.; forwarded TJ’s letter to Pichard; hearing nothing from Pichard, wrote him and received the enclosed reply. The “Vins d’hautbrion belonging to Monsr. Le Cte. De fumel” are esteemed as next in quality and a few hogsheads of this of the 1784 vintage are available. Has received “two Cases vin de frontignac from Mons....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Adams left Bayonne the 25th he makes only short Stages and will not arrive here before to morrow. The Confederacy is certainly foundered we should otherways have had some inteligence had she been Captured or put back it is upwards of ninty Days since she left the Capes of Delaware. Our Correspondence with the United States is cruely obstructed the...
I am honor’d with your favor of the 12th. We have at present in this Port the Ships Le Marquis de la fayette Cap. Cain belonging to Philada. a good Ship a good Captain, bound to Philada. The Duc de Penthievre with Tobacco from Norfolk to return so soon as discharged, a Good Ship. The Philadelphia from Baltimore unloading and will be ready in 10 or 15 Days. The Mercury her departure uncertain....
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 21, 1778: A ship arrived at Bilbao with a passenger said to be carrying dispatches for you; he has left for Paris and passed through Bayonne. A prisoner escaped from New York has asked me to write you for a privateer’s commission; a new ship suitable for him will be ready in twenty days, and might sail with the Boston . I await your...
I had the Honor to pay my respects to you the 17th. March since which I am not favord with a line from you. We are without any arrivals of late date from America the latest is a small schooner at Nantes from Edenton who reports Cornwallis was retreating not being able to pursue his plan of marching thro the Southern States and forming a junction with Arnold. By Loyds list of the 7th. mention...
I am not favord with any of your Commands since the 18th Ultimo. All the advertizements containd therein are at Sea and some of them far advancd on their Passage. I had the honor to write you the 12. 16. 26 and 30th Ultimo per post which I suppose got duely to hand, to the last I shall be confirmd next Post as the honor paid to my drafts will be notified me by the Holders. Since Cap. Tuckers...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have before me the honor of your favor of the 26th covering the passport I applyd for— By the Laws of Navigation every Ship of every Nation must have a Register or other Document to justify the National property of the Flag under which she Sails. I make use of the passport to supply the want of a regular register. In Letters of Marque the Commission you...
A Shipment I made in August is the cause of your not having receiv’d the two Cases of hautBrion. My Coopers thro inattention Shipt them with a considerable number I then sent off to the Isl of france and which I did not discover of some Days after, too late to have them landed. The Vintage and a Wedding we have had in our family Capivatived me most of this fall In the Country that in truth I...
Captain Ayres I have found in a very ill State of Health and apprehend he will not be able to proceed in the Vessel. The Brig will be ready for Sea at the reception of your dispatches. Should the Captains Health not permit to proceed you will please to give me your instructions to whom you would transfer the Command. These vessels being built for quick swift Sailing, should the plan I had the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the repeated Instances of La Marquise de La Fayette that I would give in charge some dispatchs or packets that she might have the pleasure to deliver to you in person I cannot decline her obliging attention and esteem the oppertunity of acquainting you that as your Agent I have been honor’d by Le Marchal and La Mar[échale] de Mouchy Governor of the...