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Results 23511-23540 of 184,431 sorted by author
Bordeaux, 19 Apr. 1788 . Acknowledges TJ’s letters of 22 Feb. and 3 Mch.; forwarded TJ’s letter to Pichard; hearing nothing from Pichard, wrote him and received the enclosed reply. The “Vins d’hautbrion belonging to Monsr. Le Cte. De fumel” are esteemed as next in quality and a few hogsheads of this of the 1784 vintage are available. Has received “two Cases vin de frontignac from Mons....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Adams left Bayonne the 25th he makes only short Stages and will not arrive here before to morrow. The Confederacy is certainly foundered we should otherways have had some inteligence had she been Captured or put back it is upwards of ninty Days since she left the Capes of Delaware. Our Correspondence with the United States is cruely obstructed the...
I am honor’d with your favor of the 12th. We have at present in this Port the Ships Le Marquis de la fayette Cap. Cain belonging to Philada. a good Ship a good Captain, bound to Philada. The Duc de Penthievre with Tobacco from Norfolk to return so soon as discharged, a Good Ship. The Philadelphia from Baltimore unloading and will be ready in 10 or 15 Days. The Mercury her departure uncertain....
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 21, 1778: A ship arrived at Bilbao with a passenger said to be carrying dispatches for you; he has left for Paris and passed through Bayonne. A prisoner escaped from New York has asked me to write you for a privateer’s commission; a new ship suitable for him will be ready in twenty days, and might sail with the Boston . I await your...
I had the Honor to pay my respects to you the 17th. March since which I am not favord with a line from you. We are without any arrivals of late date from America the latest is a small schooner at Nantes from Edenton who reports Cornwallis was retreating not being able to pursue his plan of marching thro the Southern States and forming a junction with Arnold. By Loyds list of the 7th. mention...
I am not favord with any of your Commands since the 18th Ultimo. All the advertizements containd therein are at Sea and some of them far advancd on their Passage. I had the honor to write you the 12. 16. 26 and 30th Ultimo per post which I suppose got duely to hand, to the last I shall be confirmd next Post as the honor paid to my drafts will be notified me by the Holders. Since Cap. Tuckers...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have before me the honor of your favor of the 26th covering the passport I applyd for— By the Laws of Navigation every Ship of every Nation must have a Register or other Document to justify the National property of the Flag under which she Sails. I make use of the passport to supply the want of a regular register. In Letters of Marque the Commission you...
A Shipment I made in August is the cause of your not having receiv’d the two Cases of hautBrion. My Coopers thro inattention Shipt them with a considerable number I then sent off to the Isl of france and which I did not discover of some Days after, too late to have them landed. The Vintage and a Wedding we have had in our family Capivatived me most of this fall In the Country that in truth I...
Captain Ayres I have found in a very ill State of Health and apprehend he will not be able to proceed in the Vessel. The Brig will be ready for Sea at the reception of your dispatches. Should the Captains Health not permit to proceed you will please to give me your instructions to whom you would transfer the Command. These vessels being built for quick swift Sailing, should the plan I had the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the repeated Instances of La Marquise de La Fayette that I would give in charge some dispatchs or packets that she might have the pleasure to deliver to you in person I cannot decline her obliging attention and esteem the oppertunity of acquainting you that as your Agent I have been honor’d by Le Marchal and La Mar[échale] de Mouchy Governor of the...
The fermentation has spread from the Capital to the Provinces who in return furnish fresh heat to animate the Capital. Our Parlement is translated to an inland Town, their Arets and resolves as also them of other Parlements are pointed to Capital reforms, this parlement attack directly the illegality and undue presumption in administration Issueing of Lettres de Cachets in any case whatever,...
Tho’ we are without any interesting inteligence in this or the neighbouring Ports I hold it my duty to advise you that so it is. The Merchants from their heavy Loss’s are obliged to contract their concerns which unfortunately will be sensibly felt by the short Exports for the United States. Excepting three small Cutters belonging to Virginia it is three Months since any expedition went from...
[ Bordeaux, 11 Nov. 1786. Recorded in SJL as received 15 Nov. 1786. Not found.]
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, November 28, 1778: We are without interesting intelligence. Because of their heavy losses the merchants here must reduce their exports, to the detriment of the United States. Only three small cutters belonging to Virginia have sailed in the past three months. A 24-gun vessel of Beaumarchais & Co. sails to join their Fier Roderigue and Drake at...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I profit by the oppertunity of the bearer Monsieur Bory to transmit the Bond duely executed for the Commission of the Brig Mariana for which I hold my self obliged to you. We may flatter ourselves from the receiption Admiral Greaves met with from Comte de Grass of seeing the Southern States freed from the Rapatious ravages of a cruel Enemy. Permit me to...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, June 13, 1778: I drew on you as the best way to assure my letters’ reaching you. I am obliged to you for promptly honoring my drafts, and apologize for not having explained the high price of beef. Fresh provisions were furnished during Lent, when one butcher monopolizes the beef supply and charges customers for his privilege. I got...
Bordeaux, 10 Oct. 1787 . All workmen in the public dockyards “are taken up and put forward”; 3,000 seamen have been ordered from that place; war appears “not far distant”; many private American ships are in Europe; their seamen will be pressed into service “on one side or other”; few will be “found for the American Navigation.” Has been advised by an inhabitant of Quebec who arrived two days...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Don Galva of and from Salem arrivd at this Port Yesterday he saild from Salem the 1 December Mons De Vaudrieul with the Fleet remaind at Boston and from the report of the Captain would not sail before the later end of the month the french Troops were arrivd at Boston to embark on board the Fleet. The Indians have committed some fresh Crueltys on the...
The Mainmast of the Boston was yesterday Surveyd and Condemnd unfit for Service. That no accident happend to the Ship from the defect on the Passage is very fortunate in One part it was it had not three Inches hold and in two others the Splitt went half throw. We have met with a Mast that will replace it and will be got ready with all posible dispatch. Some other alterations the Captain thinks...
You will have receiv’d advice before this of the departure of M r Jay for London. I was at Passi on friday the Docter askd me if I had seen you and if you intended to come up. I told him that from some words you made use of I judged that you had had intention to come to paris but that some difficulties at present were obstacles to your design. M r Laurence has also been at paris but only past...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honord with your favor of the 18th Inst. We have had no arrivals on this Coast from the United States since my last, a Brig arrived at Brest somedays past that left Edenton 5 feby. The intelligence she brought has not reachd this City. Captain Jones arrived here last Week in quest of Seamen and Cannon. The Ship Buckskin Capt. Johns took on her passage...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am strongly importuned by Captain Cassels the Bearer for a Letter of Introductions to your honors in his favor. Mrs. Cassels his Wife who is come over in order to proceed as they assure me to America, is from Philadelphia. The purport of Mr. Cassels Errand to Paris is to exert his endeavours to obtain the restitution of a Ship belonging to him and his...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 28, 1778: I received on the 25th by Mr. Haywood your letter of the 15th, and have from Capt. Tucker the list of provisions; the officers will inspect them tomorrow. The mast has delayed the work.> Published in Taylor, Adams Papers , VI , 63.
As we doubt not of your having Letters by the Alliance our advices of course will serve only as repetition to relate. I shall therefore inlieu of giving request from you information. The Honble. J. L——s is he to superceed the D——r or Is his Buissness confined to a perticular object. His bringing with him Mr. Jackson as secretary would give room to suppose him a residence. In that case the D...
Yesterday came into this Port the Brig Peggy Captain Kelly from No. Carolina. She has on board One hundred and forty eight hhd Tobacco for account of Messrs. Willing and Morris addrest to Mr. Delap. I apply’d for the publick Letters. I apprehend there are none as Mr. Delap has not sent any. The vessel saild 4th. April. I have Letters from Mess Hewes Smith and Allen of the 30 March. They write...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The arrival of Mr Jay Messrs. Girard and other gentlemen passengers on board the Frigate L’Aurore from Martinico at Cadiz releives the suspence we were under for the fate of the Confederacy you will undoubtedly have Letters by this days post from Cadiz. Don Gaston & Cordova would be united the 20th the active Barcelo sooner than fly run his vessels under...
By last post I receivd your favor of the 15th. Instant. I have forwarded your Letter to Mr. William Vernon at Montaban and have wrote him to set of f with all diligence for Paris. I hope the short time he has been up the Country will have contributed to render his services to you more useful. I have remitted him fifty Pounds to defray his Expences. He has receivd a Letter from Mr Hayley of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Dhorman of Lisbon whose distinguish’d conduct at that City in favor of America and americans from whom I have received many personal accounts by them who stand indebted to his services, having the honor of receiving his vissit in his road thro’ this City for Paris I take the liberty of giving him the present to serve him as an introduction to your...
[ Bordeaux, 28 Apr. 1785 . Entered in SJL as received 5 May 1785. Not found.]
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having collected Thirty Six American Seamen for our Ship the Mary Fearon Cap John Fulford and a prospect of engaging more we have resolved to equip her in a Warlike manner with eighteen four pounders swivels & small Arms proportiond. In consiquence I request the favor you will please to Grant us a Letter of Marque for the said Ship now at Penbeuf. Permit me...