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Results 23511-23560 of 184,431 sorted by author
Bordeaux, 19 Apr. 1788 . Acknowledges TJ’s letters of 22 Feb. and 3 Mch.; forwarded TJ’s letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Adams left Bayonne the 25th he makes only short Stages...
I am honor’d with your favor of the 12th. We have at present in this Port the Ships Le Marquis de...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 21, 1778: A ship arrived at Bilbao with a...
I had the Honor to pay my respects to you the 17th. March since which I am not favord with a line...
I am not favord with any of your Commands since the 18th Ultimo. All the advertizements containd...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have before me the honor of your favor of the 26th...
A Shipment I made in August is the cause of your not having receiv’d the two Cases of hautBrion....
Captain Ayres I have found in a very ill State of Health and apprehend he will not be able to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society At the repeated Instances of La Marquise de La Fayette that...
The fermentation has spread from the Capital to the Provinces who in return furnish fresh heat to...
Tho’ we are without any interesting inteligence in this or the neighbouring Ports I hold it my...
[ Bordeaux, 11 Nov. 1786. Recorded in SJL as received 15 Nov. 1786. Not found.]
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, November 28, 1778: We are without interesting...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I profit by the oppertunity of the bearer Monsieur Bory to...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, June 13, 1778: I drew on you as the...
Bordeaux, 10 Oct. 1787 . All workmen in the public dockyards “are taken up and put forward”;...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Don Galva of and from Salem arrivd at this Port...
The Mainmast of the Boston was yesterday Surveyd and Condemnd unfit for Service. That no accident...
You will have receiv’d advice before this of the departure of M r Jay for London. I was at Passi...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honord with your favor of the 18th Inst. We have had no...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am strongly importuned by Captain Cassels the Bearer for a...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 28, 1778: I received on the 25th by Mr....
As we doubt not of your having Letters by the Alliance our advices of course will serve only as...
Yesterday came into this Port the Brig Peggy Captain Kelly from No. Carolina. She has on board...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The arrival of Mr Jay Messrs. Girard and other gentlemen...
By last post I receivd your favor of the 15th. Instant. I have forwarded your Letter to Mr....
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Dhorman of Lisbon whose distinguish’d conduct at that...
[ Bordeaux, 28 Apr. 1785 . Entered in SJL as received 5 May 1785. Not found.]
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having collected Thirty Six American Seamen for our Ship the...
By Letters this day from Couronna we have advice that the 30th Ultimo arrived at that Port an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honor’d with your favor of the 25th Ulto. and am much...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am honord with your favor of the 25th past. I...
I have receiv’d from every Forge from Angoulerme to Bayonne returns of their proposals and offers...
The Spirritted resolves of the Dutch alters the Face of the War. Russia and Holland with the...
A Vessel that left Annapolis in Virginia arrived at this port yesterday. The English under Col....
Bordeaux, 28 Apr. 1789 . No arrivals since his of [25th.] From public prints up to 4 Mch. the...
I am this day honor’d with your favor of the 16 September I am happy to find that the affairs of...
As I intimated to you in my last On application to the Directeur of the Domaine who is orderd to...
A french Brig belonging to La Rochelle arrived at this port the 2d Instant from Boston, he left...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, September 12, 1778: I have received offers from...
Tho I write by this Post to the Commissioners I cannot Omit paying my perticular respects to you...
ALS : Massachusetts Historical Society <Bordeaux, April 10, 1778: Capt. Tucker hopes to start...
I took the liberty to draw on your honors as the most assured means to obtain a certainty of my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, June 6, 1778: Since Captain Tucker left I have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The important and decicive success’s Obtaind over the Enemy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Bordeaux, July 7, 1778: The Sally , which arrived here...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Bory nephew to Mr Beaujon at Paris whose conections are...
Since mine of the 5. August I am honor’d with your favor of the 8th. I receiv’d yesterday...
Bordeaux, 23 May 1789 . Eight vessels have arrived from America within “these few Days”: 3 from...