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your favour of the 15 th came to me yesterday, and it is a pleasure to discover that We are only 9 days apart. Be not Surprised or alarmed. Lindsays Memoirs will do no harm to you or me. you have right and reason to feel and to resent the breach of Confidence. I have had enough of the same kind of Treachery and Perfidy practiced upon me, to know how to Sympathize with you. I will agree with...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Cüstrin, February 11, 1780, in German: I have received and thank you for your letter of November 21. I am sad to announce that my dear wife has been taken by God at age 73. Please forward the enclosed letter to my son.> Or Küstrin, on the Oder. For BF ’s letter, actually Nov. 27, see XXX , 617–18n. Mary Dorothea von Jagow (1706–80) married the senior von...
Being just now informed that a vessel sails this afternoon for a port of Normandy, and knowing that the President wished to have some Champagne, and that this is the season to write for it, I have been to him, and he desires 40. dozen bottles. The execution of this commission I must put upon you, begging the favor of you to procure it of the growth of M. Dorsay’s vineyard at Aÿ opposite to...
If the services of a soldier bred in the camp, and educated in a military school, and who was advanced to various grades on the field of battle stained with his blood, can be of any use to that country, whose prosperity you have so eminently advanced; would you permit him to tender his feeble efforts, & the zeal which animates him to repress the audacity of the British, whom a fatal destiny...
I refer you to the last two Letters which I wrote to you this Week — It was expected that the Senate would Yesterday have decided on the nomination of an Envoy to the Court of London; but measures respecting the Embargo occupied them thro’ the Day— To Day that Business is to be resumed; and you shall have the earliest Notice of the Result. So far as I am personally concerned, my feelings are...
The arms you mention being Continental, they are subject to the orders of Baron Steuben. I have therefore sent him a copy of your letter and begged him to send you by this conveyance such orders as he thinks proper. As he is anxious that the reinforcement should be respectable I make no doubt he will order the Arms. My letters mentioning that the detachments should go under proper officers...
The Grand Committee, to whom was referred a Motion of the Delegates of Massachusetts respecting the Discharge of Contracts said to have been made in that State, by Order of the Q M G for ox Teams, for the Campaign of 1781, request you to give them by the earliest opportunity the best Information in your Power respecting such Contracts, whether made in that or any other State, what are...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President of the United States & encloses the drafts of two passports for the President’s signature. One for the Schooner Commerce, now in this Port; and the other for the Schooner Eagle at Baltimore. Colo. Smith of Baltimore has applied, thro’ the Secry of State, for a Passport for a small vessel (name & Captain not known) to be sent...
2359[Diary entry: 19 July 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 19th. Thermomiter at 70 in the Morng.—74 at Noon and 76 at Night. Very little Wind through the day, and in general clear. Rid to the Plantation in the Neck—to Muddy hole, and to Dogue run at the last of which they were cutting grass and at the first just begin[nin]g.
I have little to inform your Excellency of but even that will be more agreeable to you, I emajin than not to hear from us at all. I have intiligence almost dayly from the likelyest places for news. The Troops lyeth mostly as they did when I wrote you of the partys going to Cow neck which is still confirmed, & that a party had gone to Joyn Governor Tryon on the East of the Island. besides the...
I take the liberty of enclosing you a letter from the president of a college in Baltimore I am aware of the delicacy of your situation in giving letters of Introduction, and anticipate your declining it in this case, unless from personal knowledge of the applicant you feel he merits the honor of one and it is your custom to give recommendations on such occasions— Mr. DuBourg, the writer, is a...
In consequence of the measures taken by this Government to Engage a number of Indians of the Penobscott, St Johns and Mickmac Tribes in the Service of the united States of America agreable to the desire of your Excellency, Seven of the Penobscott Tribe have Inlisted for the Term of one Year, and have arrived here on their way to New York. As they were very poorly Cloathed, and would not...
The letters you did me the favor to write to me on the 4th & 7th of Jany have been duly received. In answer to your obliging enquiries respecting the dress, attitude &ca which I would wish to have given to the Statue in question—I have only to observe that not having a sufficient knowledge in the art of sculpture to oppose my judgment to the taste of Connoisseiurs, I do not desire to dictate...
Captain Machin being under arrest there would be an impropriety in his transacting any public business—or in granting him leave of absence from Camp. His Trial must soon come on in course, if that terminates in his favor I shall then have no objection to granting the leave requested, and if in the mean time any business of the Corps requires that an Officer should go to Philadelphia, leave...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I reced. Your Obligeing Information Concerning Your Son, I am again to bege the favour of You to be so Good as to Informe me by the Return of the Post if there are Any Gentlemen of Note, belonging to the State of Virginia, at this time in Paris, & if there is, then Names, and Addresse.— Haveing a Very Conciderable Interest in New Jersey, I will do my self...
21 December 1812. Nominates seven men, “Midshipmen since 1806, and now acting Lieutenants,” to be lieutenants in the U.S. Navy and nine, including Samuel P. Todd, to be pursers. Printed copy ( Senate Exec. Proceedings Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States of America (3 vols.; Washington, 1828). , 2:312).
Mr. Pichon having communicated to the Secretary of State, a clause prepared to be inserted in the exchange of ratifications of the Treaty’s between the United States and the French Republic signed at Paris on the 30th. of April last, it is deemed a proper reciprocity that such a clause as the following be likewise inserted—“and the said Secretary of State declares in the name and by the order...
The Mail brought me the evg. before the last, your favor of the 5th. with the copy of the “New Views &c.” for which I tender my acknowledgements. I must put off the reading of such a work till it may be subject to less interuption than would at this time be unavoidable. From a glance at a few passages in the outset, I do not doubt that more competent lights as to the proceedings of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Letter which we have the Honor to enclose reach’d us Yesterday under a Cover dated so long ago as last October. We proffit of this Opportunity to mention that we have here a Ship which will be ready to sail for New England in a few Days & beg Leave to ask whether a particular Passport will be necessary for Security against Capture, or whether any Act of...
Last night I received your favour of the 4th. and am much obliged by your Account of Affairs in this as well as in the Letter you wrote the Week before which I have also received. Mrs Adams joins me in friendly regards to Mrs Knox and yourself. We are very Sorry for any unpleasant Circumstances you have found at Bush Hill: and very happy that it happened to be in our Power to accommodate your...
2371[Diary entry: 5 September 1771] (Washington Papers)
5. Warm and clear with but little Wind & that Southerly. The Afternoon Showery with some thunder.
The foregoing is a copy of my last, which I hope will reach yo u by a vessel going from Spain. Th is I forward by a Gentleman going to the south of Spain who may have some opportunity of sending it. Here the situation daily grows more critical. The french Govmt. themselves seem to be alarmed. Within four days part of the troops have been taken from the for ts to increase the guards in the City...
Your letter of Nov. 26. is recieved and enables me to ascertain the amount of the cost of the books I have rec d and those I wish now to be forwarded, and I accordingly inclose you 90. Dollars in bills of the bank of the US. in Philadelphia . I shall subjoin the list of the books, and the prices as I read them in your several letters. you will observe that I desire a 2 d copy of Planche ’s...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your favour of the 3 inst. The Order of M. de Sartine was sent from Versailles on Monday last for taking your Mutineers off your Hands, so that I hope you are free of them before this Time & employ’d in fitting your Ship for the sea; in which you will make all the Dispatch possible & follow the Directions of the Agent as to the Place of Rendezvous in Order...
I yesterday received your favor of the 3d. instant and beg you to be assured, that any employment, which your arrangements may have assigned me, shall be zealously undertaken and faithfully executed to the extent of my abilities, at the same time, it is proper for me, to express my apprehensions, that the result will not, in any other particulars, justify the confidence with which you have...
I had the Honor this day to transmit to you a Contract with Mr. John McCauley for the Copper work &c of the Tybee Lighthouse for the purpose of procuring the presidents decision thereon. In addition to this there is a Former Contract with John McCauley for the Copper work of the Cape Fear Lighthouse not yet approved it was transmitted the 18th. of February. The appointment of the Keeper for...
I think you mentioned that you would recieve & store any corn for the Rivanna Company that they would have ground in your Mill . Under this impression I have contracted to have some delivered there in the course of a day or two, & other parcels hereafter, & I have taken the liberty to mention it to you in this way, in order that you may instruct your Miller or whoever is to receive it in case...
AL : American Philosophical Society <Before February 9, in the third person and the Bishop’s hand. He and his wife invite Franklin to dinner next Sunday, February 9.> Feb. 9 fell on a Sunday during BF ’s second mission only in 1766 and 1772, and as far as we know he was not acquainted with the Shipleys until 1771.
I am this moment informed that Mr. Hall, an American of my acquaintance now at Marseilles will sail from that port for Baltimore more about the 20th. of this month. If you have no direct conveiance to Charleston it would be best to put the olive plants into the care of Mr. Hall who would be so good as to attend to them during their passage to Baltimore and to find a speedy and safe conveiance...
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, December 10, 1790. “On the receipt of your letter of the 1st of June last containing directions respecting the Lighthouse in this State, I made proposals to the person employd by the State in the care of the Fort & Lighthouse, but having reason to expect the Cession of the latter by the Legislature then in Session the Contract was delayed; On the rising of the Court...
Application has been made to me on the part of Capt. Perkins of the first Connecticut Regt for a discharge from the service —It must occur to the reflection of every person acquainted with military service, that the present time is exceedingly improper for such applications. Besides I am informed that Capt. Perkins has already left the Continent, or is about it, having obtained a Vessel for...
Your letter of the 21st I have received and you may rely on it I shall comply with the contents— The Arraignment you have made is more agreeable to me than what I was soliciting for and had I known your intentions you should not been troubled with one Syllable from me on the subject— As matters and things now stand you cannot by any means refuse serving again as President and the sooner you...
After referring to my last dispatch No: 69 have now to crave your refference to the inclosed Copy of mine to Capn. Barron of yesterdays date ⅌ Boats hird on purpose to go in quest of him to East and West. I this day learnd he was off Malaga two days ago; the two Vessels with the Tripolin Crews are now under way for Tetuan Convoyd by an English Kings Lugger of 16 Guns and not the admirals ship...
Fredericksburg Mail arrives Tuesday & thursday 8 Am & Saturday 6 pm departs Monday Wednesday & Friday 3 pm Richmond Mail Arrives Tuesday 8 Am & Wednesday & Saturday 6 pm departs Tuesday 6 Am. Wednesday 3 pm & Saturday 6 Am Lynchburg Mail Arrives Sunday 6 pm departs Thursday 10 Am MoSHi : Thomas Jefferson Collection (formerly Bixby).
I have received authority from the Legislature , to provide cloathing and blankets for the troops by seizing the same which will be accompanied by endeavors to purchase. Agents are out procuring salted beef and others setting out to procure pork in as large quantities as they are to be had to be stored on the Roanoke and its navigable waters. Ten thousand barrels of flour will certainly be...
Capt. Machin has been employed since the year 1776 in the engineering Branch, without ever coming to any regular settlement for his Services. He does not chuse to fix any price himself, and I am really ignorant of what is just and proper. You have been a witness of a good deal of his work, and he is willing to submit the matter to your decision. Captain Machin holds a Commission in the...
[ New York, 1786. ] Encloses draft of a certificate and asks Duane “to affix the seal of the Corporation” of the City of New York to the draft. ALS , New-York Historical Society, New York City. Duane was mayor of New York.
238824th. (Adams Papers)
Charles went to Boston this morning, and brought me back some letters from Europe. I went in the forenoon with Miss Betsey Cranch, down to Mrs. Quincy’s where she intends to spend a few days: but I did not see either of the ladies there: Miss Quincy, has in some measure recovered from the illness occasioned by a mistake in taking a medicine. I spent my time this day as I have every day since I...
I have received a letter from Col Smith of which the inclosed is an extract. As the mention of Capt Fowler to you was in conformity with his opinion, after a particular consultation, I was rather surprized at the turn of his letter. I however sent his recommendation, though I imagine it is likely to come too late. And in justice to Capt Fonda , I ought to add that he was Adjutant of a batalion...
as I was an applicant for the Office to which Major Bush was appointed, and by whose demise a vacancy has taken place, I take the liberty to renew my application —should I be so fortunate as to be the object of your choice, my best endeavors shall not be wanting to deserve the favor—on the other hand, should any one be preferred before me, I shall again chearfully submit; being firmly...
2391[Diary entry: 20 June 1799] (Washington Papers)
20. Morning cloudy—Mer. at 76 and Wind So. Easterly and fresh all day towards night appearances of Rain. Mer. at 71 only. The following company dined here—Chief Justice of the U.S. Ellsworth Mr. & Mrs. Steer Senr.—Mr. & Mrs. Steer Junr. Mr. Van Havre—Mr. & Mrs. Ludwell Lee—Mrs. Corbin Washington Mr. & Mrs. Hodgson & Miss Cora. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Calvert and a Captn. Hamilton & Lady from the...
I enclose the sketch of a letter to the collector of New Orleans. You will be pleased to say whether it is proper: and I will thank you to return it with such alterations as may be necessary, in time to have it transcribed & transmitted by to morrow’s mail. I expect that our cutter which mounts eight guns and has eighteen men on board is by this time at New Orleans. If it shall be thought...
You are upon Receipt of this to cross the North River with the Troops under your Command in the Continental Service to wit Parsons’s Brigade & move on so as to give all possible Protection to the Country & Vigour to the Cause. If you could move on towards Morris Town in New Jersey it would be best, as by this Means a Junction may be made if necessary & at all Events such a Movement would...
Inclosd we send the Accot Sales of thy 12 Hhds Tobacco ⅌ the Hanbury we assure thee that no care or endeavou⟨r⟩s of ours have been wanting to make the most thereof It gives us a real Concern that we are not favourd wth a larger part of thy Consignments we flatter ourselves that we can make as much of thy Crops as Carys or any other House if thee will give us the opportunity we will endeavour...
I have been extremely flattered by the letter which you did me the honor to write me on the 10th. Inst. It is no virtue to be insensible to the praise of great & good men. I could not have received a more grateful reward for any labour than your approbation. I beg the favor of being presented very respectfully to Mrs. Adams. and / have the honor to be / with sentiments of the highest...
Je renvois La Letre du General Wayne qui m’a honoré de Son Ordre pour Le joindre a Mount Holly je L’ais repondû que çela ne se pouvoit pas vû que la Cavalery restente avec moi forme un peti nombre pour Les Services et quentout je ne trouverais pas plus de 18 Homs de quels jais envoie Les melieurs sur Le chemins de Philadelphie pour assurè les passages du Transport des Beuvs qui marche pour...
My last to you was of the 1st instant since which I have received your favor of the 25 Jany. You will probably have received mine long before this time of the 14th ultimo which will satisfy you that I received duly your favor of the 26th December. I now enclose you (in confidence) three Copies of letters written by our friend Lincoln to Govr Bowdoin which will shew you in a more connectd State...
The rise in the price of copper, & difficulty of obtaining it from other quarters, has induced the Director of the Mint (as I had the honor of mentioning to you yesterday) to turn his attention to Sweden, as the country from which according to his information it may be obtained on the best terms. he wishes that some means could be adopted of importing some on the public account. there is so...
July 22 Major and Mrs. Jackson Mr Ewing and Mr. N. Biddle called on us, all of them talking of nothing but your rejoinder, which is thought even better of than the remarks—They told me to tell you that there was no dissenting voice on the subject, and Mr. R. was universally condemned—He is quite Kilt so dont disturb him, but let him get what rest he can under such circumstances—George Harrison...
I did myself the honour to write to you, under date of May 31st. last, and to cover a letter of compliment and congratulation from Mrs Warren, who has taken a large share in the joy and triumph of the second, as she did in the first revolution in this country.—But such are the prevailing complaints of frauds in the Post-Offices that I cannot calculate with any certainty of its reaching you.—My...