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Dr. £ s d 1777 To Cash Spent from my leaving Home the 9. Jany. 1777 to my Return 27. Novr 1777 exclusive of every Article of Cloathing and exclusive of a Bll flour sent to my family from Baltimore. 312: 14: 0 To Cash paid my servant for Wages and Expences, by Mrs. Adams 7: 16: 8 To Cash due to Mr. Sprout for Board one Week at £4 Pen. currency 3: 4: 0 To Cash due to Mr. Smith for his Account 1: 12:
2352Oct. 7. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. D umas has been out, upon the Discovery.—Neither Mr. V. nor Mr. G. could guess the Reason, why their H igh M ightinesses had sent their Agent De Spieringshoek to desire me to postpone the Signature of the Treaty untill tomorrow. Mr. B. whom he met in the Street explained it. He says the Prince had sent Word to their High M. that he desired a Conference with them to day, and as the...
Tuesday. September 17th. 1776. The Committee appointed to confer with Lord Howe, agreable to the order of Congress, brought in a report in Writing, which was read as follows: In Obedience to the orders of Congress, We have had a meeting with Lord Howe. It was on Wednesday last upon Staten Island, opposite to Amboy, where his Lordship received and entertained Us, with the Utmost politeness. His...
A friend in need, is a friend indeed; you must certainly have read Shakespear, and have learnt from him, when you have once made a friend, to grapple him to your Soul with hooks of Steeal. You have been constantly grappling me for more than forty years—The newspapers have brought to me your correspondence with Mr. Yates, and that has introduced a correspondence between him and me And what is...
Be pleased to accept my thanks—for an address from the Agricultural Society of the County of Oneida by Alexander Coventry Esqr.— Tho I have not the honour, of knowing, or being known—either to yourself or Mr Coventry I have not the less obligation to both for this favour—I have been more amused with this Address than with any I have ever read upon such occasions—it has laid open sources of...
I shall address this to you as Speaker, but you may be Councillor, or Governor, or Judge, or any other Thing, or nothing but a good Man, for what I know. Such is the Mutability of this World. Upon my Word I think you Use the World very ill, to publish and send abroad a Newspaper, since the 29 May without telling Us one Word about the Election, where it was held, who preached the sermon, or &c....
23571774. Septr. 12. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Attended my Duty on the Committee, untill one O Clock, and then went with my Colleagues and Messrs. Thompson and Mifflin to the Falls of Schuylkill, and viewed the Museum at Fort St. Davids, a great Collection of Curiosities. Returned and dined with Mr. Dickinson at his Seat at Fair Hill, with his Lady, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Norris and Miss Harrison. Mr. Dickinson has a fine Seat, a beautyfull...
2358Quincy July 12. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday mow’d all the Grass on Stony field Hill. To day ploughing for Hilling among the Corn over against the House. Brisler laying the foundation of the new Barn which is to be rais’d tomorrow, at the East End of my Fathers barn. Puffer and Sullivan Lathrop ploughing among Potatoes in the lower Garden. This Journal is commenced, to allure me into the habit of Writing again, long lost. This...
Gen. Warren writes me, that my Farm never looked better, than when he last saw it, and that Mrs. —— was like to outshine all the Farmers. —I wish I could see it.—But I can make Allowances. He knows the Weakness of his Friends Heart and that nothing flatters it more than praises bestowed upon a certain Lady. I am suffering every day for Want of my farm to ramble in.—I have been now for near Ten...
I have read over the Poem you did me the honour to inclose to me—but a very sudden illness has prevented me from giving that so much attention to it—as I wished—I have perused it however sufficiently to be very ready to give you my advice—In the first place—not to commit it to the flames—In the second place to preserve it with Care—and Continue it till you have Completed your idea—In the third...
I venture to address myself to you as Minister of foreign Affairs, because I Sincerely hope you have accepted that important Office. The Emperor of Morocco, Sent an Abassador last Winter to Holland to demand Materials for some Frigates, and as none of the great Maritime Powers, have the Courage or the Will to refuse Such Requisitions, obtained them. it now appeas probable, that they have been...
The Sovereign of Britain and his Council have determined to instruct their Commissioners to offer you Independance, provided you will disconnect yourselves from France. The Question arises how came the King and Council, by Authority to offer this? It is certain that they have it not. In the next Place, is the Treaty of Alliance between Us and France, now binding Upon Us? I think there is not...
The Judges are now here— Judge Cushing is under the Hands of D r Tate who is Said to have wrought many Cures of Cancers and particularly one for the President. The Judge appears to be under serious apprehensions for something in his Lip which he thinks is a Cancer but his hopes from Tates Prescriptions seem to be lively. M rs Washington is happy in the Company of her three Grand daughters, the...
23641777 Feb. 16. (Adams Papers)
Last Evening I supped with my Friends Dr. Rush and Mr. Sergeant at Mrs. Page’s over the Bridge. The two Coll. Lees, Dr. Witherspoon, Mr. Adams, Mr. Gerry, Dr. Brownson, made the Company. They have a Fashion in this Town of reversing the Picture of King G. 3d, in such Families as have it. One of these Topsy Turvy Kings was hung up in the Room, where we supped, and under it were written these...
I return the Analysis of Dupuis with my thanks for the loan of it. It is but a faint Miniature of the original. I have read that original in twelve Volumes, besides a 13 th of plates . I have been a Lover and a Reader of Romances all my Life. From Don Quixotte and Gill Blas to the Scottish Chiefs and an hundred others. For the last year or two I have devoted myself to this kind of Study: and...
Your favour of March 30th I received last Evening. The Subject of it is of great importance I have been absent from my Country and my home for So great a part of the last two and thirty Years, that I have never had an opportunity to be intimately Acquainted with the Affairs of the University or the Characters of the Gentlemen who have the immediate or mediate Government of it. This I have seen...
I have long meditated to write you a Line. You are giving annual Bounties, for Medical Essays which Nobody reads; No Body thanks you; Nobody learns any Thing from all your Care and expence. Let me advise you to alter your Plan. Offer Premiums or Premia, for Dissertations on natural History. Not at large, for that Subject is infinite. But upon the Civilization, the Policy, the Legislation and...
I have received yours of 19. I have your Form of the Constitution and Some News Papers, none later than those you have. These I shall send by the first private opportunity. I forwarded your Letters by the last Post or two. The Constitution will probably be accepted, at least that is the opinion of all the Americans here. Last night I had an Account of Mr. Stephens’s Letter to Lloyds Coffee...
Was you ever acquainted with Dugald Stuart —before I left France I received a letter from Benjamin Vaughn Esq re in London — Introducing , and recommending in strong terms two gentlemen from Scotland , one by the name of Dugald Stuart and the other Lord —— whose name and title I forget—as young gentlemen of great talents and attainments sufficient to diminish our American prejudices against...
Last night, I received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me, on the thirteenth of September, informing me of the Honour that has been done me by the University over which you so worthily preside. If this honorary Degree, is as you inform me, to be considered as a token of Affection and Esteem, I shall certainly hold it among the most precious of Things; since nothing can ever be more...
Paris, 1 June 1780. RC ( PCC , No. 84, II, f. 82–85). printed: Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 3:747–749. In this letter, read in Congress on 15 Sept., John Adams included the text of resolutions adopted on 11 May at a meeting of the citizens of Dublin. The resolutions...
I have recd your favour of the 21, inclosing my Letter to Dr James Rush of April 30th. If you or Mr Clark could want any proof of the Utility, importance or necessity of The History of the Navy which you have published and propose to enlarge and improve it would be worth while to revise our American Historians for 1775. 1776. &c. Since I received your Book I have had the Curiosity to consult...
I rejoice with you, in the Testimony of approbation given to a very meritorious Character. If they burn in one City to acknowledge American Independence, it is to be hoped, that the virtuous flame will Soon extend itself to all others. I am vastly obliged to the Duke de la Vauguion for the Service he did our Cause and for the many noble Compliments which, I learn from Sure Sources, he was...
I have recieved your favour of February 23rd and thank you for the friendly as well as the complimentary sentiments expressed in it It has been now and then my fortune in the course of a long life, though not frequently to receive a compliment. yours is a pleasant one; and as an instance of adversity seldom comes alone, so I have observed that an instance of prosperity is seldom quite...
Mr Jefferson has been good enough to Send me the enclosed Pamphlet An history of the restoration of Royalty in France 31, March 1814 by De Pradt. As it has Some pretentions to Authority, and as you may not have Seen it, I Send it to you: and as the owner desires me to return it, I pray you after you Shall have read it to transmit it to Monte Chello, with whose Inhabitants I hope you will have...
I am thankful to our common friend as well as to you for your favour of the 4 th. which I received last night.— My fears are in Unison with yours, that Hay, Wood and Stubble will be the materials of the new political Buildings in Europe, till Men shall be more enlightened and friendly to each other. You agree, that there are undoubtedly Principles of Political Architecture: but instead of...
23771774 Tuesday. Octr. 4. (Adams Papers)
Dined with Mr. Alexander Wilcox, with all the Delegates from N. York, and several other Gentlemen.—This Evening General Lee came to my Lodgings and shewed me an Address from the C ongress to the People of Canada which he had. It was not, however, until 21 Oct. that Congress resolved to prepare an address to the people of Quebec, which was brought in by a committee (on which JA did not serve)...
237826 Thurdsday. (Adams Papers)
Fair cold morning. An extream cold Day.
If any one should ask me what is the System of the present administration? I should answer, “to keep their places”— Every Thing they say or do appears evidently calculated to that End, and no Ideas of public Good no national Object is suffered to interfere with it. In order to drive out Shelburne, they condemned his Peace which all the Whig Part of them, would have been very glad to have made,...
I see by the Papers, our Assembly is called, and conclude it is now Sitting. The Letters we receive from G. Schuyler, are enough to frighten any Body who does not know him. G eneral W ashington Says that all the Regiments from N.H. and M.B. are at the Northward and yet, Schuyler tells Us he has not above 4000 Men. I hope this Matter will be investigated. I believe Gates will find greater...
I have delivered the Copy of your Gazetteer of New York, intended for the American Accademy of Arts and Sciences, into the hand of The Hon. Josiah Quincy, their corresponding Secretary; and the Volume for The Emperor of Russia and that for J. Q. Adams to Mr Geyer to be taken to St Petersburg by Mr Ingraham who Sails from New York in a Cartel for England and thence to Russia. My Letters and...
Last night I received your obliging Favour of the fifth of this Month. Your Excellencys Sentiment, “that the Foundation of Credit abroad must be laid at Home” is perfectly just, and accords with the General Sentiment of the Money Lenders, Undertakers and Brokers in this Country, whose Universal Cry is “We Should choose to see Some certain Method agreed on and established, for the Payment of...
I admire your checks and bridles which you call maxims. To allude to Bolingbrokes figure, Man is a Noble Animal he is a bucephalus that requires an Alexander to ride him, And I believe he could not, without whip, spurs, and bridle. But of all the whips spurs and bridles, those of the Priests are the most detestable; and those of the Presbyterians are not much better, than those of the...
Tuesday September 17. 1776. Sundry Resolutions being moved and seconded, in Addition to those passed Yesterday, relative to the New Army. After debate, Resolved that they be referred to the Board of War. A Letter of the 10th. from Brigadier General Lewis, was read: Also a Letter from James Forrest was read, and referred to the Board of War. Congress took into Consideration the Plan of treaties...
Inclosed is a petition of Robert Watson for a pardon which I refer to you for your consideration & report to Your humble servant MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
I have a rich Budget to send you by the next Ship. I have no time to prepare it by the Milo. I would send you some Newspapers but am told a Collection for the Months past is prepared for you Mr E. Copland Junr will present this. He is first Clerk to Degrand. You have all the Treaties and Projects of Treaties I presume but Britain and U. S. I presume from 1782 to 1815 Jays, Monroes Erskines and...
I am honoured with yours of the 11 th. with the enclosures from M r Lamb, M r Carmichael and M r Barclay. I am not Surprized that M r Lamb, has only discovered that our means are inadequate, without learning the Sum that would be Sufficient. Il faut marchander avec ces Gens la.— They must be beaten down as low as possible. but We shall find at last the Terms very dear. The Algerines will never...
That the first Want of Man is his Dinner, and the second his Girl, were truths well known to every Democrat and Aristocrat, long before the great Phylosopher Malthus, arose, to think he enlightened the World by the discovery of them. It has been equally well known, that the Second Want is frequently So impetuous as to make Men and Women forget the first; and rush into rash Marriages, leaving...
The inclosed recommendation of George Barrel from his uncle Joseph Barrel Esqr. to be a midshipman concurs with that of Mr. Thatcher and I request that you would send him a warrant. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
23901761. Friday [6] Feby. (Adams Papers)
I have now almost finished the first book of Peter Lancelotts Institute, which first Book is taken up De Jure Personarum, and is well analized in the 29th Title De Clericis non Residentibus, in these Words vizt. “Personarum quidam Laici sunt, quidam Clerici. Rursus Clericorum, quidam sunt in Sacerdotio constituti, quidam in sacris, licet non in sacerdotio, quidam nec in sacris, nec in...
As the Anecdote of Mr Paine seemes to be have given you some amusement, I will give you another which affords me no Satisfaction upon reflection I was the first person who brought that Wild Man into Notice public notice—his Pamphlet called Common Sense, I thought proved him to be a Smart fellow—and I was informed he was totally distitute of the means of support—and as he had the pen of a ready...
I have this moment received your Letter of this morning and am happy in your acceptance of the office of Chief Justice. The Circumstances however of the times render it necessary that I should request and Authorise you, as I do by this Letter, to continue to discharge all the Duties of Secretary of State, untill ulteriour Arrangements can be made. With great Esteem, I have the / Honor to be,...
2393[March 1756] (Adams Papers)
Wrote out Bolingbrokes reflections on Exile. For JA ’s lifelong study of, and his extensive commentaries on, the writings of Henry St. John, first Viscount Bolingbroke, see Haraszti, JA and the Prophets of Progress Zoltán Haraszti, John Adams and the Prophets of Progress, Cambridge, 1952. , ch. 4. JA ’s own copies of Bolingbroke’s writings are now divided between the Boston Athenaeum and the...
239416 Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Sat out for Uxbridge, arrived about 12, dined. Rode to Aldridges after Mr. Webb, and brought him with me to my Uncles. Spent the Evening there. Lodged with Webb. Presumably Nathan Webb (1734–1760), Harvard 1754 , nephew and namesake of JA ’s “Uncle Webb"; he is said to have practiced medicine, and it was to him that JA addressed his first letter that survives, 1 Sept. 1755 ( Adams Papers ; JA...
2395[March 29. Sunday. 1778.] (Adams Papers)
March 29. Sunday. 1778. Becalmed all the last night. This morning a vast number of Sails were in Sight. Saint Martins and Oleron were visible, at least the Towers and Windmills, but the Land was very low and level. A Pilot boat, with two Sails and four Men, came on board of Us, and the Pilot instantly undertook to carry Us to Bourdeaux. He said the Ship might go quite up to the City, if she...
I have been sick a Month, and my eyes and hands incapable of writing otherise you would have heard more from me. Your favor of 18 Feby. arrived yesterday. Thanks for the Gazette. Well may you and I be perplexed in our calculations on post scenes and present unpleasant prospects, relative to the interior of the political state of Europe, and the interior & exterior aspect of our own national...
your favour of the 15 th came to me yesterday, and it is a pleasure to discover that We are only 9 days apart. Be not Surprised or alarmed. Lindsays Memoirs will do no harm to you or me. you have right and reason to feel and to resent the breach of Confidence. I have had enough of the same kind of Treachery and Perfidy practiced upon me, to know how to Sympathize with you. I will agree with...
Last night I received your favour of the 4th. and am much obliged by your Account of Affairs in this as well as in the Letter you wrote the Week before which I have also received. Mrs Adams joins me in friendly regards to Mrs Knox and yourself. We are very Sorry for any unpleasant Circumstances you have found at Bush Hill: and very happy that it happened to be in our Power to accommodate your...
We send you for your Comfort the Generals Washington and Lee with Commissions for Ward and Putnam: together with a Vote to Support about twenty thousand Men, for the present, fifteen Thousands in Mass. and 5000 in New York. We have voted to issue Bills of Credit to the amount of two Million Dollars, and must, I suppose, vote to issue a great deal more. I hope a good account will be given of...
Neither Eyes Fingers or Paper held out, to dispatch all the Trifles I wished to write in my last Letter . In your favour of April 8 th You “wonder for what good End the Sensations of Grief could be intended”? You “ wish the Pathologists would tell Us, what the Use of Grief, in Our Œconomy, and of what good it is the Cause proximate or remote.” When I appro a ch Such questions as this, I...