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Results 2351-2400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have recd. your letter of the 19th. inst. saying that the Trustees of the College recently...
I trouble you with another letter to Genl. Cocke, for reasons which I need not repeat. Be so good...
I think it proper to inclose you a copy of my letter to Mr. Gallatin, not merely for your...
With your letter of February 26 I received the Copy of Mr. Coldens Memoir on the New York Canals...
I owe you many apologies for so late an acknowledgment of your kind favor of the 2 inst.; but it...
After your kind offer, I make no apology for inclosing another letter which I wish to have the...
I am exceedingly sorry to learn, from your letter of the 18. that mr. Key has availed himself of...
Your letter of the 8th. is just recd & with it a copy of the Printed Circular on the same...
J. M present his respects to Mr. D, with thanks for the copy of his oration, before the...
I inclose a communication from President Cooper of the S. Carolina College. I have apprized him...
It is probably not unknown to you that the Visitors of the University of Virginia, anxious to...
¶ From James K. Paulding. Letter not found. 20 March 1827. Calendared in the lists probably made...
Your two letters of Jany. 17 & 22. were duly recd. I hope your health was restored as soon as was...
In the name, and by order, of the Board of Trustees, of “Madison College,” recently established,...
I recd. by the mail from Richmond your favor of the 12th. I was not un-apprized of the melancholy...
I have recd. from Mr Key the tender of his resignation as authorized by the resolution of the...
It is proper that I should lose no time in apprizing the Visitors of the University that the...
It being always somewhat uncertain whether Genl. Cocke will be found at Bremo, or at Charllle;...
I am extremely obliged by your kind letter, & the Pamphlet enclosed, which I have read with very...
I rec d . last week your Letter of the 5 th . of this month. Being engaged in collecting...
I recd by the mail of yesterday your letter of the 10th. in which you tender the resignation of...
Since my last P. has written as he promised to his Mother, and stated the posture of the dft to...
I have reccd. your letter of the 8th. in answer to which I can only say that I retain all the...
I have recd. your favor of the 3d. covering the Report to the Senate on the “Georgia Business.”...
The Assembly rose on the 9th inst. after a session of 96 days. I hasten at the first leisure...
For your letter of the 16th. Feby I now beg leave to express my thanks, and shall take occasion...
I have recd. yours of the 5th. instant. Considering the Law publications you point out as very...
I have received your favor of Feby. 28. and read the pamphlet under the same cover. It is a...
I have recd. yours of the 4th. inclosing a note for my filling up & signing. On the strength of...
I return my thanks for the copy of your Speech on the proposed increase of the duty on wool, and...
I duly received your favor containing the $35 you were so kind as to enclose me, for which I beg...
It has been represented that the following were the terms in which Mr. Jefferson bequeathed a...
I am not certain whether I did what I intended to do last fall—that is make my sincere...
I recd. in due time your favor of the 21. Ult: and have looked over the lucubrations of Regulus...
Mr Hamilton of S.C. has the honor to enclose to Mr Madison that which has scarcely any other...
Will you be pleased to accept a copy of a little Pamphlet which I have lately written. It was to...
Mr. Anderson gives me notice that a draft accepted by me in favor of Rd. Peters jr for $1048.68....
Since I answered your letter of   it has occurred that I should shew a respect for your wishes,...
I have the honor to send to you in behalf of the Corporation of the City of NewYork a Copy of Mr....
Tho’ desirous of reducing the number of my literary subscriptions which had swoln to an...
Since my last misdated on the 22 or 23, I have recd. a letter from Mr. Peters saying that he had...
I am much indebted for your very acceptable letter of the 25 Novr, but cannot have the pleasure...
On receiving your letter from Green Mountain, I wrote a few lines which I addressed to Richd....
I have this moment recd. your kind letter of the 17th. You seem to have attached more importance...
I now return you the paper containing Mr Hassler’s publication, which, so very slight was my...
Mr. Holley late President of the Transylvania University, being about to take a look at Europe,...
J. Madison presents his respects to Mr. Holley, and encloses a few lines as requested, to Mr....
I thank you, Sir, for the copy of your interesting Discourse before the Historical Society of...
I at length return you Dr. Cooper’s new work with many thanks for your goodness in giving me so...
I recd. Sir, some days ago your letter of the 2. Inst: to the object of which I have not been...