Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Tench Coxe, [17 May 1793]

To Tench Coxe1

[Philadelphia, May 17, 1793]

Dr. Sir

Above is a Check for five hundred Dollars. Tomorrow I will make an arrangement for 1000 more. I did not receive your Note2 till this moment Quarter past two.3



ALS, Papers of Tench Coxe in the Coxe Family Papers at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

1For an explanation of the contents of this letter, see the introductory note to Coxe to H, February 13, 1795 (PAH description begins Harold C. Syrett, ed., The Papers of Alexander Hamilton (New York and London, 1961– ). description ends , XVIII, 262–69). See also the references cited in Coxe to H, April 13, 1793, note 3 (printed in this volume).

2Letter not found.

3Coxe’s endorsement reads: “A H supposed to be 17. May 1793

entd. 500 Drs.”

Coxe made a second note on the back of this letter which reads: “with 500 Drs. pd. into Bk 17. May for J. B. Church.”

On May 20, 1793, Coxe wrote a memorandum which reads: “Mr. Hamilton pd. Drs. 1000 this 20th May 1793 in a Check on Bk U S. wch. I pd. into sd. Bank by E. Forman directly” (AD, Papers of Tench Coxe in the Coxe Family Papers at the Pennsylvania Historical Society, Philadelphia). Ezekiel Forman was a clerk in the office of the commissioner of the revenue.

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