Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Tench Coxe, 24 June 1799

To Tench Coxe

Monticello June 24. 99.

Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Coxe, and, authorized to do so by mr Daniel Clarke of N. Orleans, he puts under his cover a letter to that gentleman for which he says mr Coxe will know the best channel of conveyance. it relates to matters of literature solely, and therefore need excite no apprehensions in the persons to whom mr Coxe may confide it. Health & respect.

RC (CtY); addressed: “Tenche Coxe esq. Philadelphia”; franked; endorsed by Coxe. PrC (MHi). Not recorded in SJL. Enclosure: TJ to Daniel Clark, 23 June 1799, and enclosure.

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