George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Thomas Johnson, 8 July 1786

To Thomas Johnson

M[oun]t Vernon 8th July, 1786

Dear Sir,

It was not ’till our return to the great Falls, that Colo. Gilpin and myself discovered the error of the propos’d meeting of the Directors of the Potomac Company at Alexandria on Monday preceding the first day of August. The general Meeting of the company it seems is, by Law, to be held on the first Monday in that month; & this not happening, in the present year, ’till the 7th day of it—we wish that the Meeting of Directors may take place on the Saturday before; of which I pray you to give Mr Lee notice.1 I am &c.

G: Washington


1Johnson, George Gilpin, and GW had attended a meeting of the president and board of the Potowmack Company at Seneca Falls on 3 and 4 July. On Saturday, 5 Aug., GW went into Alexandria to meet with the directors of the company, but neither Johnson nor the other Maryland director, Thomas Sim Lee, appeared (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 5:22).

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