James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Edmund Brown, 1 April 1827

To Edmund Brown

Apl. 1. 1827

I have recd. Sir, your letter of Mar 271 inclosing seed of the Eggplant, and a Sample of the Tobo. commanding the highest price. Mrs. M. thanks you for the former, as I do for the latter: The sample surprizes us all. Tobo. of a stronger & less bright character had been supposed best suited for the Chewing manufactory. If it be the quality however & not the colour of your sample that constitutes its chief merit, I should imagine that our first & second crops from the new red land, could not be inferior to it. My overseer says the Tobo you looked at in his absence was not the best part of his crop, & that the leaf you selected was from his last Cutting. Like others, even of our Chewers he discovers nothing in your sample that accounts for the preference it enjoys.

Draft (DLC). Edmund Brown of Richmond was the holder of an 1819 patent for a tobacco press (Edmund Burke, comp., List of Patents for Inventions and Designs, Issued by the United States, from 1790 to 1847 […] [Washington, D.C., 1847], 244).

1Letter not found.

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