Adams Papers

John Quincy Adams to Charles Adams, 1 August 1798

John Quincy Adams to Charles Adams

Berlin 1 August 1798.

My dear brother.

I wrote you on the 14 of February a letter, which I am informed you have received, but to which no answer from you has yet reached me.1 Nor have I since it was written received a line from you.

I must again repeat the request that you would give me immediate information concerning the property which I have entrusted to you.

I have also to request that you would not draw upon Messrs: Willing of Amsterdam, for any further sums on my account, as I hereby withdraw all power & authority that I have heretofore given you to draw for money in my behalf.

You will also cease to make any further payments of money belonging to me to Dr: Welsh.—2 But you will untill further order from me, remit the interests payable upon my property in your hands, to my mother.

I am still your affectionate Brother.

LbC in TBA’s hand (Adams Papers); internal address: “Mr: Charles Adams”; APM Reel 133.

1Vol. 12:400–401.

2JQA also wrote Thomas Welsh on 1 Aug., stating that he had learned “by letters from America of the misfortune, which has befallen you” and requesting an immediate report on the property he had left in Welsh’s care. JQA expressed confidence that his property was safe but likewise countermanded Welsh’s authorization to draw upon Wilhem & Jan Willink (LbC, APM Reel 133).

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