Results 2341-2370 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I Thaddeus Kosciuszko being just in my departure from America do hereby declare and direct that...
Altho I am to return to this place again within three weeks, and then to remain here till...
2343[August 1764] (Washington Papers)
1 & 2. Sowed Turnips—behind Garden. 10. Sowed Spelts—behind Ditto. 14. Cut Timothy Seed at Doeg...
Since my letter of the 30th. ulto. some facts have come to my knowledge which it may be of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society M.M. Quinquet et lange, auteurs de la lampe dont J’ai eu...
4 July 1812. “Whereas the two great contending powers of Europe seem determined to involve the...
I purchased, some three years ago, the first volume of the Histoire de l’Esprit revolutionaire...
copy of Paragraph from The Presid’s lre of Mar. 22. and extract from my answer of this day. MHi .
Since you had said the day before yesterday that you would not go to Fontainebleau today unless...
My letters to you of the present year have been of the 12th. and 17th. of Mar. the 11th. of Apr....
your favour of the 15 th came to me yesterday, and it is a pleasure to discover that We are only...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Cüstrin, February 11, 1780, in German: I have received and...
Being just now informed that a vessel sails this afternoon for a port of Normandy, and knowing...
If the services of a soldier bred in the camp, and educated in a military school, and who was...
I refer you to the last two Letters which I wrote to you this Week — It was expected that the...
The arms you mention being Continental, they are subject to the orders of Baron Steuben. I have...
The Grand Committee, to whom was referred a Motion of the Delegates of Massachusetts respecting...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President of the United States &...
2359[Diary entry: 19 July 1785] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 19th. Thermomiter at 70 in the Morng.—74 at Noon and 76 at Night. Very little Wind...
I have little to inform your Excellency of but even that will be more agreeable to you, I emajin...
I take the liberty of enclosing you a letter from the president of a college in Baltimore I am...
In consequence of the measures taken by this Government to Engage a number of Indians of the...
The letters you did me the favor to write to me on the 4th & 7th of Jany have been duly received....
Captain Machin being under arrest there would be an impropriety in his transacting any public...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I reced. Your Obligeing Information Concerning Your Son, I...
21 December 1812. Nominates seven men, “Midshipmen since 1806, and now acting Lieutenants,” to be...
Mr. Pichon having communicated to the Secretary of State, a clause prepared to be inserted in the...
The Mail brought me the evg. before the last, your favor of the 5th. with the copy of the “New...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Letter which we have the Honor to enclose reach’d us...
Last night I received your favour of the 4th. and am much obliged by your Account of Affairs in...