Results 2341-2350 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I wish you to take of Berry and Rogers as handsome a set of my Defence as you can find and packet...
I wrote you on the 14 of February a letter, which I am informed you have received, but to which...
The Nature, Designs, rise, Progress, present State future Operations and successes of...
I have to thank you for your favour of Dec r: 1 st: sent me a few days since by M r Van...
I rec d. yesterday your favour of the 18 by the Post M r Van Persyn, whom you mention as the...
What! are my venerable Old Friend Gates, and my respectable old Acquaintance Osgood, and my...
I received this Morning your valuable Letter of the 6 th and am much pleased with your...
I believe I never have acknowledged the Rec t of your favour of March 21.— In Dexter and Ames We...
I have been thinking of a subject for a letter to you, & I can find none more agreable than that...
By the first Article of the Treaty of Commerce between the United States and France it is...