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Results 2341-2390 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I wish you to take of Berry and Rogers as handsome a set of my Defence as you can find and packet...
I wrote you on the 14 of February a letter, which I am informed you have received, but to which...
The Nature, Designs, rise, Progress, present State future Operations and successes of...
I have to thank you for your favour of Dec r: 1 st: sent me a few days since by M r Van...
I rec d. yesterday your favour of the 18 by the Post M r Van Persyn, whom you mention as the...
What! are my venerable Old Friend Gates, and my respectable old Acquaintance Osgood, and my...
I received this Morning your valuable Letter of the 6 th and am much pleased with your...
I believe I never have acknowledged the Rec t of your favour of March 21.— In Dexter and Ames We...
I have been thinking of a subject for a letter to you, & I can find none more agreable than that...
By the first Article of the Treaty of Commerce between the United States and France it is...
Your Letter of Yesterdays Date has given me much Pleasure. I recognize in it, my own son. Your...
This morning I received your favour of the 13 th. and wonder not that your honest heart is...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your favours dated Feb y 16. which M r: Wilcox sent me from...
A fat Sleekheaded young Gentleman was here last Week or the Week before who told me he knew you,...
As the genuine Equality of human Nature is the true Principle of all our Rights and Duties to one...
I was So happy in the News of the agreable Circumstances of your Sister and her Infant, and of...
So great a Part of my Life has been and Still continues to be Spent in travelling that I seldom...
I have given to our brother Thomas a general power of Attorney to transact all business on my...
I have already written you respecting the private business upon which I was commissioned by your...
A Letter from M r Jay of the 24. of November informs me, that he had rec d two Letters from your...
I have recieved with pleasure your letter of the 22d. of octr. and agree with you that the times...
Your favour of January 6 th: was received by our brother Thomas at the Hague, and by him...
we being so far from one another that I cannot Leave my pen out of my hand & I hope that my...
I often envy you the pleasure you enjoy in being at a place where you with pleasure look around...
How does my son after the fatigues of a voyage. A young adventurer indeed, how many times did you...
Your favour of 19 th: September was transmitted to me by our brother from the Hague about a...
I received last night your favor of the 19 th The letters from Mr Desdoity & Mr R B Forbes I...
This morning I rec d your agreable Letter of the 30. Ult.—I wish you would explain to me what you...
I wrote you on the 25 of October & 29 of Dec r: 1796. & on the 14 th: of May & 1 st: of August of...
I condole with you, under the mournful News of the Barons Palsy. I have long wondered that a...
I have received your letter of September 7 th: with the account current, which as you observe,...
I thank you for your, agreable Letter of the 29. Ult. Your Brother is destined to be celebrated...
Our amiable Professor, in the 5 th Page, informs us that “The free Commonwealth of the United...
I arrived here this Evening with your Mother and Cozen all in good health, and was Sorry to hear...
I received at this place by your letter of September 3 d: the pleasing intelligence of your...
How do you do?—I hope you are in fine Health and Spirits. What Subject do your Thoughts run upon...
I have this day been obliged to take a serious and painful measure in the removal of the...
I received Your kind congratulatory Letter upon the new year. accept My thank for the filial...
Although I am much obliged to you for your kind Letter of the Second, and the News and...
I have yours of the 22 d. M r Van Persyn I shall be glad to see whenever it Suits his convenience...
Yesterday, I took a Walk upon the Wharves, to see the Navigation. The new Frigate called The...
I received some time since from M r: Rogers in London your bill upon me for £225 sterling, with a...
As I wish to turn your Attention to those Political Questions which involve Points of the Law of...
I am happy to hear of your safe arrival tho not at the port, I wished to hear you were. You will...
The inclosed Tryals of Muir, Margorot and Gerald, will afford you Entertainment and Information....
Your Letters of october 23 and your last by capt Lyde gave me great pleasure, and the account...
I have not answered your favour of 31. of Jan. nor that which announced the Arrival of your...
If C. as you Say in yours of the 29 th. must provide for his Family, I Suppose it will be easy...
I must write you a few lines by this opportunity, altho tis a long time since I had the pleasure...
Upon my leaving America, your Father gave me an order upon Mess rs W. & J Willink for five...