Results 2341-2370 of 184,431 sorted by author
I will not envy you but congratulate you on the pleasure you have had in your excursion to...
The multiplied Cares attending the Removal of a Family, from one Country to another; and...
I have rec d a Letter from M r . Gerry, at Phil a 23 Nov. Thaxter arrived there the night before,...
Inclosed you will find a phillipic of our angry, pevish, fretful Prophet Jonah. His anger is his...
2345[March 1774] (Adams Papers)
Last evening at Wheelwrights, with Cushing, Pemberton and Swift. Lt. Govr. Oliver, senseless, and...
The Unanimous Address adopted by you has been transmitted to one as you directed by Major John...
It was not friendly in you to involve me in your domestic & family Controversies Major Pierce...
I wrote you before to day: but I forgot to say Several Things.— Have you ever attended a Town...
Answer my Letters at your Leisure. Give yourself no concern. I write as for a refuge and...
I never had the Pleasure of a Correspondence or any particular Acquaintance with you, which can...
Dr. £ s d 1777 To Cash Spent from my leaving Home the 9. Jany. 1777 to my Return 27. Novr 1777...
2352Oct. 7. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. D umas has been out, upon the Discovery.—Neither Mr. V. nor Mr. G. could guess the Reason,...
Tuesday. September 17th. 1776. The Committee appointed to confer with Lord Howe, agreable to the...
A friend in need, is a friend indeed; you must certainly have read Shakespear, and have learnt...
Be pleased to accept my thanks—for an address from the Agricultural Society of the County of...
I shall address this to you as Speaker, but you may be Councillor, or Governor, or Judge, or any...
23571774. Septr. 12. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Attended my Duty on the Committee, untill one O Clock, and then went with my Colleagues and...
2358Quincy July 12. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Yesterday mow’d all the Grass on Stony field Hill. To day ploughing for Hilling among the Corn...
Gen. Warren writes me, that my Farm never looked better, than when he last saw it, and that Mrs....
I have read over the Poem you did me the honour to inclose to me—but a very sudden illness has...
I venture to address myself to you as Minister of foreign Affairs, because I Sincerely hope you...
The Sovereign of Britain and his Council have determined to instruct their Commissioners to offer...
The Judges are now here— Judge Cushing is under the Hands of D r Tate who is Said to have wrought...
23641777 Feb. 16. (Adams Papers)
Last Evening I supped with my Friends Dr. Rush and Mr. Sergeant at Mrs. Page’s over the Bridge....
I return the Analysis of Dupuis with my thanks for the loan of it. It is but a faint Miniature of...
Your favour of March 30th I received last Evening. The Subject of it is of great importance I...
I have long meditated to write you a Line. You are giving annual Bounties, for Medical Essays...
I have received yours of 19. I have your Form of the Constitution and Some News Papers, none...
Was you ever acquainted with Dugald Stuart —before I left France I received a letter from...
Last night, I received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me, on the thirteenth of...